Ah yes! @seigorobinson @sharmarval How could I forget this! This story is truly beautiful. There should be a presentation and a very well designed tutorial for the mulch chopper already. And they have built some more across the globe.
Maybe this is a community story that we could write up and share, maybe through the blog. Bit busy this week, but could look at it next week.
Here is the topic for this year with all the information (Slides, Tutorial etc.)
###European NGOs Meeting
Hi @BoST
Interesting News! We are invited to present OSCEdays at a meeting of up to 40 ppl from european environmental NGOs that meet in Berlin to discuss Circular Economy. Those NGOs do mostly lobby work on EU but also national level.
I think it will be really interesting to see how they work and what their goals and struggles are. And it is also good to see what we can contribute to our shared mission.
I uploaded their Agenda for you here.
Dates: 13-15 Nov. (We present on Nov 15)
If one of you happens to be in Berlin let me know and we do the Gig together.
If you have anything you think should be shared with the NGOs let me know. I will think of something and collect some feedback in advance. All the best, L
Hi @BoST
sorry for my abscence in the past 2 weeks. I am flooded with work. Overload. I let Jaime knew I could not make it to the last call but forgot to let you know. I will catch up soon.
Hey Friends,
i have good news: I will be a father! For the first time in my live.
And I have also a little less good news about how much I can contribute here in the coming year.
There was a time in my live when I had loads of free time to do unpaid work. And I used that time to contribute to and build OSCEdays with you. But at the moment and probably 2018 I am not able to do that anymore to the same extend.
OSCEdays is such a great project. We have so many ideas how to grow it and how to really make strong impact with it. We put ourselves in the past years with the project in a position where we were able to learn and experience so many things that our new approaches and ideas look really promising.
But to this moment we were never able to find funding for the project. Which blocks right now the implementation of all the good ideas.
I myself need to dedicate my time to paid work right now. But I’ll try to make sure to help OSCEdays progresses and uses the potential that was created by the community in the past.
my congratulations to you, Lars!
@BoST 2 things:
The To-Do-List is updated and simplified. Pls. sign up to it
Operational Calls 2018
We decided to make every second BoST call an operational call from now on - a call dedicated to operational work. Here you can read a bit more about that. And here you can read when those Operational Calls will happen in the next 6 months.
All the best! Let me know if I can help in any way
Hi all + @BoST
I started to develop the call for the 2018 event and my head is exploding with ideas. I see so many new cool things we can try and do this year. And help is appreciated.
Anyone up for a little brainstorming and work session between the holidays already? Also people outside of @BoST are welcome to join.
- Wednesday 27th – 3m GMT
- Wednesday 27th – 7pm GMT
- Thursday 28th – 7pm GMT
- Friday 29th 3pm GMT
- Friday 29th 7pm GMT
0 voters
Ah! Sorry. I missed that so many votes came in. I thought the forum would send me some notification when someone votes, but it didn’t. So I assumed you are all busy with holidays. So we missed our collab session.
Anyway. I did a bunch of work to set things up for the 2018 event. I suggest that you start with the
And go from there to the
And from there to the
(Check also the website. I am happy about (design) feedback. We have a new About page, a new front page and … finally we got a donation page.)
I had two interesting meetings in the past days. One with someone from Barcelona. I told that the numbers of cities for OSCEdays is going down. And he said: “Of course! Because people understood it. Job is done. All the students that come to us know that OS is the path to sustainability”.
And the other person was from Australia - gov-level. They are really looking closely to this forum and how we use it to organize things. And they will copy parts of it. Not use our forum but copy the methodology of openness.
This is all good news. That’s the impact we were looking for. Enable people to set up their own infrastructure and use methodologies and tools of Openness. Let’s keep it going.
If you set up events in your city I suggest to do it like we do it in Berlin. We make ppl. post their content on the forum in our call. The first topics arrive right now.
Hey @BoST
Some of you might be aware. But there is a new law in the EU - the “General Data Protection Regulation”
It comes with a lot - a lot! - of requirements you have to meet when you host a website in the EU. The law is enforceable from the 24th May on. So there is not much time left.
Someone needs to do some research if this forum and the website need to do something. Everything is hosted in the EU and we have a bunch of EU citizen. Maybe we are lucky because of the .org domain. But in any case. Research needs to be done or serious legal trouble might be on the horizon!
I’ll do my homework for wordpress websites and will know more about it soon. I am happy to share that knowledge for the OSCEdays website. But this forum is something entirely else probably. The research should start quite soon.
Hangouts this Saturday with OSCEdays Rome 10:15 am
hey @BoST
Two weekends ago we had an OSCEdays Booth at Maker Faire Berlin where we actually won two prizes:
The organizers of this years OSCEdays Rome – @SilCan + – dropped by and we had a really nice conversation and exchanged gifts - they gave us a bottle of wine we drank with the community at our after booth Maker Faire inviting also our friends from the Open Source Hardware film camera Apertus over.
The organizers asked me if I and maybe someone from @BoST could say a few words via hangouts to their local community . On:
Saturday, June 9, 10:15 am CEST.
Unless our Baby is born at that time I plan to be there. Who else is in and will join? I am sure it will be pretty nice.
Congratulations teams and friends
I plan to wake up early and join the hangout.
may be me may be me
and big congratulation with the price!
Right now we’re too busy in Berlin to think about the next steps, so I just want to drop this here to have a look at after next week’s event:
Call for Abstracts at Leuphana University in Germany. I think we should hand one in http://leveragepoints2019.leuphana.de/call-for-abstracts/
I made a mistake with the hour.
Hi @BoST - sorry, I missed the call with Rome. Our baby - Fritz - was born Friday morning 5.55 am. And as you probably know or have heard: It is a complexity explosion afterwards \o/ . 1 Mio things to take care of.
I hope the OSCEdays Rome community will understand.