Open Conference Call of the OSCEdays Board Of Stewardship
Please confirm your participation @BoST
1 Introduction Round
How is everybody?
Are there new people? Let’s have a quick introduction round.
Reminder of roles and tasks:
1: Good attendance: Lars, Qing, Nikusha, Silvia, Gien, Seigo
1 B. Agree on how to agree about the Agenda for the Do-Calls?
How do we decide what to work on in a Do-Call?
Lars: vote on the day?
Silvia: use the agenda on the forum to decide
Seigo/Qing: Agree, should be led/facilitated by someone so planned at least a couple weeks’ before.
DO Calls: all agreed that the structure/process going forward would be:
- Last 90 minutes
- Pre-decided, planned and lled by proposer i.e. any required materials, agenda, etc.
- On-going actions will be prioritised
- At the end of calls, we decide on the agenda for the next DO call
Next DO call is Feb 5
2 Review To Do List
fill out open roles, check if back-ups are available for each role
recruit others for roles
2 To Do List:
We should decide on back-ups for roles.
_Minimum quorum for a BoST call: 3
Went through the roles and allocated roles. Outstanding, ask:
@sharmarval to be Comms Head?
@nicustasia to be FB back-up?
3 Finish the Diagram draft
Not tackled, leave on agenda as (out)standing item.
4 Update on legal OSCEdays legal status
4: Qing related the details. A very simple statute has been drafted. Easier to add additional policies or amendments to be more restrictive later on than be overly prescriptive now. Ready to send off to the tax authorities - takes about 6 weeks to pre-check to give non-profit status. Then will need 7 members minimum for a board (do not have to be in Germany).
5 Actions
- Send diagram to graphic designer - Sharon ?
5 - @sharmarval to update.
6 Start the Campaign for 2018
As suggested here.
Lars related the content he developed over the holidays: Call for Cities, Call for Solutions and OSCEdays 2018 Impact Strategy. Lars is excited by expanding our reach by connecting with FB posters, frequent Tweeters etc. to leverage what materials and enthusiasm out there already and scale the solutions. He will talk to MateriaBrasil and Seigo messaged Community Fridge Network during this call.
Lars proposed to kick off the campaign tomorrow - all agreed