OPEN LABS Communication Manual & Texts, Nov 2016

SHARING IS CARING. Help Us To Spread The Word About OSCEdays Open Labs! Below you can find short and long texts to use.

Hi, I am @Frans. I am enrolling the communications for the OSCEdays Open Labs on Circular Cities in November 2016. Off course this can’t be done alone, and you can help! Therefore I post here some of the texts I will send out via Social Media, Newsletter and Email. You can help by taking some of the tweets, posts, emails and so on and post it on your social media profile or send it via Email.

You can comment on and help with the overall communication strategy as well. Just have a look at the Communication-Main-Topic.

The Goal is to make people aware of the possibilities and activities going on during the lab – Invite them to the three phases and make them engage in the process. Also when people start to create something to share their activities to create attention for what they are doing.


What can You do?

  • Spread the Link to our landing page:
  • Join, spread and invite to the Facebook event
  • Tweet and retweet about #OSCEdays #OpenLabs
  • Spread the news through your channels (Friends, Facebook, Blog, Newsletter, Partners, Press, etc.)
  • Download the visuals and use them: IMG (1.9 MB)
  • Activate your team and community to do the same!
  • Support with your own ideas, texts, local press releases, translations!
  • Share, share, share!

#-1- Texts To Share (Social Media)

Hashtags: #OSCEdays #thinkdif #OpenLabs #CircularCities #Making
Twitter @: @OSCEdays @thinkDIF_

##Short Textlines

Join the #OSCEdays #OpenLabs on #CircularCities #thinkDIF

How to create #CicularCities? – Join us and let’s find it out. #Openness

Do you think #Openness is the key to create #CircularCities? Join the #OSCEdays #OpenLabs

Build an open collaboration process with us to make our cities circular. #CircularCities

Lets create and share Actions – practical step-by-step guides to urban innovation to be used by everyone in the world! For #CircularCities #OSCEdays #thinkDIF

OpenLabs are a programme of physical and online sessions to create #CircularCities. Join us!

What actions are needed to create #CircularCities? Create an Action Recipe in our #OpenLabs!

How to make the shift towards #CircularCities? Let’s find out together in the #OpenLabs!

Let’s #MAKE our cities Circular! Join the #OpenLabs! #Making #Makers #Fab

#OpenLabs are to connect and share knowledge about #CircularCities

#OpenLabs are collaborative Actions to create Circular Cities worldwide. Join with your own, local Action!

What Action can make your city circular? Share it with the global community during #OSCEdays #OpenLabs!

Share your ideas in a global community of circular enthusiasts! #OpenLabs #OSCEdays #CircularCities #thinkdif

The #OpenLabs 3 Stages in short: 1. Plan 2. Create 3. Act!

Get in the loop with your city! #Closetheloop #CircularCities #OSCEdays #thinkdif

Connect your local team to a global network of circular pioneers! #OSCEdays #OpenLabs

###In the Flow – Sharing News:

We will also post about certain activities – like the development of ACTIONS or upcoming local events. Those tweets and posts will communicate about the subject of the ACTION or local event and the people behind them having the goal to create attention for them and make it easier to find collaborators. Like:

Can you eat your city? Check out and join the development of the ACTION Recipe on edible cities. #OpenLabs #OSCEdays #thinkdif

Join our local Actions of the #OpenLabs in #Berlin #LasPalmasDeGranCanaria #Yourcity

Welcome XXX joining #OpenLabs with a local event in XXX about XXX!

##Longer Textlines

@OSCEdays & @thinkDIF_ ‘Open Labs: The Circular City’ – are 3 week open participatory online & offline lab. Join us/it!

OSCedays #OpenLabs is a 3-week living open lab creating local active #CircularCities with @OSCEdays @thinkDIF_ Join the discussions and ACTIONS!

How to create sustainable Circular Cities? The Open Labs is a 3 week long open participatory online & offline process to find out and get active together.

Through a global collaboration process we will create and implement ‘Actions’. An ‘Action’ is anything you or your team can imagine - essentially, a practical step-by-step guide to urban innovation that can be used & followed by everyone across the globe.

Join the discussion. Create an Action. Set up a local event.


Open Labs is split into three phases:

  • Phase one (PLAN) is all about brainstorming and learning - what are some practical ideas and solutions for the circular city?
  • Phase two (CREATE) looks at creating Actions - teams and enthusiasts transform the ideas from Phase one into practical step-by-step guides
  • Phase Three (ACT) sees local events around the world, testing Actions and feeding back to the global community

#-2- Mails

You can help us also by sending out Mails to Organizations or People that might be interested in joining or collaborating with the Open Labs on the Circular City. Here is a little text I send out to people. Copy and adapt as you like.

###Personalized Network & Partner Mailing


We’d like to invite you and/or your organization to participate in our Open Labs: The Circular City.

The Open Labs are a collaboration of the Open Source Circular Economy Days (OSCEdays) and the Disruptive Innovation Festival (DIF), an open online festival on the Circular Economy happening from November 7-25, 2016 for the 3rd time.

The Open Labs are a three week long open participatory online & offline process to develop and implement practical actions to research and create a circular city in cities across the globe.

We have created an easy format to accomplish clear results and connect people around the world for productive collaboration: Contributors and Teams can write “ACTION Recipes” for different specific topics, and participants from different cities can implement these ACTIONS in local events happening in the last week of the Labs.

For more information:

You are very welcome to be part of OpenLabs, participate with your organization by joining with a local event or by partnering with OpenLabs in other ways. And please spread the word in your community!

Looking forward to your respond and with kind regards,

Frans & Lars

On behalf of the Board of Stewardship of the OSCEdays


###Personalized Network & Partner Follow Up Mailing


I have sent you an invitation to join the Open Labs some days ago. I hope you have received it?

If you are interested to participate, it would be good for you to know that we will be having a kick-off video streaming to start the OpenLabs on the 7th of November. You can find all the infos here:

If you have any more questions, please get in touch.

Best regards,

Frans / Lars

###Images To Attach/Use

IMG (1.9 MB)

#-3- Press Releases

###Press Release #1 (Sent from 1.11.2016)

Check out the DRAFT PRESS RELEASE #1

###Press Release #2

(to come)

#-4- Facebook Event

text to adapt:

The OSCEdays partnered up with the Disruptive Innovation Festival (DIF) 2016 – connecting the DIF audience with the OSCEdays community during a 3 week open online & offline Lab on The Circular City.

From November 7-25, 2016 we will develop and implement practical ACTIONS to research and create The Circular City in cities across the globe.

Check it out:

You are very welcome to JOIN THE OPEN LABS – add to the discussion, create an ACTION Recipe or experiment results in physical events!

Join the Facebook Event so we can keep you posted! )

#-5- Images To Attach/Use

Get the full pack: IMG (1.9 MB)

Or (for lazy people) copy the Jpeg:

Thanks Frans, will share with my network this weekend.

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That is great @Gien, thanks for letting me know!

Thanks, here’s a German Version for parts I can use first ( @Lars2i , @Frans : feel free to improve my phrasing, @anyone else: please translate bits and pieces that you wnat to use into your own laguage and share them here so others can benefit from your effort):

Longer Textlines

Wie kreieren wir nachhaltige Kreislauf-Städte? In den 3 Wochen der ‘Open Labs’ können wir in einem offenen, partizipatorischen, online & offline Prozess dies herausfinden und zusammen aktiv werden.

In einem globalen Kollaborationsprozess werden wir ‘Actions’ erstellen und umsetzen. Eine ‘Action’ is alles, was ihr und euer Team euch nur vorstellen könnt - grundsätzlich einfach eine praktische Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für uraben Innovation, die jeder auf der Welt befolgen und nutzen kann.

Beteilige dich an der Diskussion. Erstelle eine ‘Action’. Organisiere ein lokales Event.


Open Labs findet in drei Phasen statt:

Phase Eins (PLAN) dreht sich ganz um brainstorming und lernen - was sind einige der praktischen Ideen und Lösungen für die Kreislauf-Stadt?
Phase Zwei (CREATE) dient dem erstellen von ‘Actions’ - teams und einzelne Begeisterte verwandeln die Ideen aus Phase Eins in praktische Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen
Phase Drei (ACT) besteht aus lokalen Events rund um den Globus, bei denen ‘actions’ getestet werden und die gobale Gemeinschaft Feedback bekommt.

Personalized Network & Partner Mailing


‘ACTION Recipes’ (Aktionsrezepte) oder (Aktionsanleitungen)?

‘Open Labs’ (offene Labore) oder (offene Experimentierfelder) ?

In meinen Netzwerken können nicht alle gut englisch, da kommt es nicht so gut an, wenn etwas unerklärt bleibt. Evtl. sollten wir für die deutschen Labs auch das deutsche AKTION und AKTIONEN benutzen. Es ist ähnlich genug, dass auch Englischsprachige verstehen, was gemeint ist, oder?

@transitionmica @Lars2i - I have sent you a German newsletter version just now. It still needs proofreading, you can do this by copying the newsletter into a new mail or forwarding it, then it is possible to adjust the text. I propose @transitionmica will do this and send the adjusted Newsletter to us again.

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just did, thanks a lot

I won’t be able to send out any more though, but for the Berlin event it will be helpful anyways.

Back in 3-4 days.

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