Meeting on Skype (Google hangout as back-up, link will be posted here).
Please confirm your participation @BoST @Frans
Moderator: _____
Scribe: _________
##1 Introduction Round
How is everybody?
Are there new people? Let’s have a quick introduction round.
In the call:
@nicustasia – Stasia started to sign up for roles on the BoST to do list. She thinks about a local event in their city in china during DIF.
@gien (Moderator) – Has to move out of his house. So he wants now to set up a geodetic ecohome in just three months! Busy schedule. Ambitious. Seigo will be in in cape town in the coming months having a look at Giens house. Seigo suggested Gien should look into the laws in South Africa as a friend of Seigo tried to set up an off grid home in South Africa and found out he wasn’t legally allowed to do this.
@seigorobinson – Got good news about future projects he wants to do! In Cambridge is happening a lot right now. For the DIF he thinks about creating an ACTION on how to map/list circular organizations in a city.
@Frans – busy with DIF communication.
@RicardoRug – (first time. He is a teacher based in Bogota and was setting up OSCEdas Bogota in 2015 & 2016)
@Lars2i (Scribe) – Busy with DIF and some funding applications.
##2 DIF Collaboration
Updates from Lars & @Frans
- (General Update: There is a video tutorial for the forum now. )
Communiation Plan is published. Please [help to spread the word]
(OPEN LABS Communication Manual & Texts, Nov 2016)
ok. looks good. @Frans will add later today the missing document about organizations. Please add organizations you know we should reach out to. If you have close contact to them send them a personal email yourself
- Video Streamings -> Who of BoST wants to join which video streamings?
DIF Opening Stream With @Bost Members!
We will have for each phase of the Lab an opening video streaming. The dates are published in the DIF program. First streaming is on November 7 - 20:00 GMT. At least 3 @BoST members should join each streaming. We will explain a bit the OSCEdays and the Lab. Stasia, Gien and Lars signed up to be on the opening call. But for Stasia it is in the middle of the night. Would be cool if someone else from BoST would join as well. We plan the Streaming in this this topic. Join us!
##3 BoST To Do List
Let’s have another look at the BoST to do list and discuss, if and how we want to use it.
ok. Looks good and reasonable. Let’s go with it. Seigo has already taken the role of the facebook group moderator. There is a topic. @gien and @nicustasia are in the process of taking roles and structuring them.
@RicardoRug thinks about adding a little project about: “What is OSCEdays” - to improve what the project communicates to the outside world and is. He will take on the leading role in this project.
##4 Adjust BoST Call Times?
After daylight savings – should we adjust BoST call times to the same times we had during last winter? 10 GMT & 20:00 GMT
No changes. Let’s stick with 11 am GMT & 7 pm GMT. But please everyone in a country with daylight-savings acknowledge that the calls will be one hour earlier in your local time from now on.
##5 Please add
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