J: Johnny
Sh: Sharon
Si: Silvia
Se: Seigo
L: Lars
M: Maike
G: Gien (meeting secretary)
St: Stasia
Jos: Jose
F: Frans
(NOTE: some of Jose’s comments were accidently typed as belonging to Johnny because I accidentally replaced JOSE with J)
2 Future Board Of Stewardship
2.1 BoST To-Do-List
Lars created a To-Do-List for the BoST proposing a clearer structure of how we will work on OSCEdays. Check it out and let’s discuss it.
2.2 BoST Openness & Decision Making
We are still unclear about the structure of Openness. Here is a topic that suggests a solution. Let’s start the discussion.
2.3 Future BoST
Let’s sum 2.1 & 2.2 up agree on next steps – decisions and implementations.
3 New Structure Is Up
The new structure is basically up. Feedback is needed. Post written Feedback before the call here please.
3.1 Website
How is the website?4
General language improvements
Phase 1, 2, 3 needs some work
J: Anybody encounter signing up defects that need to be fixed? I haven’t tried it yet?
Lars: Real test will be in coming weeks
J: Is there a feedback button?
L: yes, a general subject in Building OSCE Days category. Step by step there. Leave feedback there.
J: Recommend we all become beta testers to find bugs.
L: Just crosscheck. Next week we will test the whole thing.
M: I tried starting making first action. Getting feedback for Berlin action. We can test out how this action will look like. Even if we don’t do it, we can run through the process to see how it works.
L: I’ll collaborate with you in the next week.
What about the ACTIONS strategy so far? Check (1) List of Available ACTIONS (2) List of Ideas for ACTIONS (3) META – ACTION protocol
J: Are you looking for more actions, Lars?
L: It’s not necessary but welcomed.
M: Do we want same action repeated everywhere? Coordinate? Different places have different actions.
L: Growing list of protocols but doesn’t mean everyone has to do the same one. I will probably create an action: hacking iwth modularity. I met someone in London for action for cooking with insects.
Sh: In London?
L: Yes. he has startup.
M: Like revamped version of OSCE Days. Lots of parallel indie actions.
L: We invite people to do local challenges, it’s too hard. Action idea - predefined action like a recipe. THey just take and do it. Like a collection of board games. Preset list of board games is idea of the actions.
J: Like the meta idea for OSCE Days in coming years. With DIF, we have chance to experiment. Using it as ideation to create action and use for collab with DIF and 2 other cities have joined as well. Anyone can host an OSCA day.
L: DIF collab works well. At end of Nov, we have 20 more action protocols. We just test and play with them. Action Protocol - has clear template - always documented and in step by step instruction structure.
M: So we set up the protocol and invite others to follow.
L: NOt just us, anybody can do it. This template is for everyone. Don’t have to be BOST to post.
M: I meant people who are already on platform…OSCE community.
J: There’s already a lot of experiments going on. All those different step-by-step processes. Build a repository. First step is
4, DIF collab.
4 DIF Collaboration
L: Collab structure is setup. Please look at it. At 4.3, click on one website, subpage for DIF collab. It’s 3 phases. First week, we invite everyone to join forum to talk about circular city of future. Some people may then want to turn idea into action. Some may use template and make an action. People in phase 3 can then take the action and perform it.
J: Do we involve other people from other cities?
L: We can play it by ear. Let’s see what unfolds in this thread and respond to it.
J: We should give some structure. Maybe at least hold a few calls, explain Action protocol, go through steps, to give the structure and boundaries. Not everyone from DIF may be so familiar with our structure or organizing style.
M: For actions I am developing - 3 weeks is not enough time. We have to invite someone already visible at the event. It’s not going along with this.
L: YOu can start right away.
M: II thought it’s good to go ahead already so people who join during DIF can see something already happening.
L: Exactly, leading through example.
M: Yes.
J: Good way of approaching it. We want to show to DIF community how we organically organize these things. If you have something predefined, setup and start Nov 1. Through Comms from DIF, they can start getting people to start collaborating.
Si: How to 1 comm events or 2 comm doing the events in last week of DIF? If 1, then use our forums, DIF is linking to our forums. They also have to do their part to promote us. IF 2, Frans has to work out with Joe. We told him we need clear understanding on how to interact with DIF audience during event. We need to reconnect with Joe to work it out very soon.
L: Maybe Frans can say a few words
F: Several things. 1) Have to contact DIF. I have drawn 3 circles to have Comm focus on. General approach - focus only on first and a bit on second and not so much on 3rd circle due to time constraints. Most potential is to work with existing network and what we have and not start too many new things.
J: Do you alreadyd have comm with EMF of comm they have that we can use during DIF, defining kinds of group we want to network with EMF.
F: I haven’t made contact with EMF yet about this.
L: We made contact only today. They should see what we have, then we collab on a strategy.
J: What is Russian girl’s name?
St: Stasia. My question: what is target group and who do you want to involve. Who can make their own project? Average age of participants? What is the educational BG? Language is smart but a bit complicated. It is a bit confusing. There’s not a lot of clear steps. OS is kind of philosophical question. It’s not a good description. It means you as organizers are not sure. What is it? Documentation seems a bit boring. For busy people, if they see “documentation” they may be scared. What about using the word “evaluation” - what have you done, what could you use in future projects?
J: Valid. What language they are used to and work back from that. Right now it’s not clear.
St: It is a broad, philosophical point. It means you are also not clear about it. It’s a big idea. You can visit in different fields.
J: That’s a strong point. You made this observation. Would you be willing to help clean up the language?
St; I’m not a native speaker.
L: Sometimes in startups, there’s a person who says “It’s too complicated” and that’s useful.
M: Once content is clear, this what I do as a day job…cut down sentences and simplify the language. We need to be sure what it is meant to say. If we meet on Thu, we can chat about that.
J: I see difficulty - CE and OS cannot be understood unless you give context of problem. When I talk about it, I point to health care or mobility. They are not solution discourse but problem discourse so we need something to improve the language. I see lot of attention to OS and Circular, but if you don’t have focus on societal and environmental problems, it’s difficult to make a connections.
L: I have an article. We try to make it from fuzzy to something people can understand and this is the search we are on. So it’s good to bring this up.
J: Stastia point is valid. When we engage DIF, we need to have clear idea. We can’t ask them to go into long discussions in forums. It should be polished language written towards the DIF - means we need to know the audience who knows the DIF. It could scare a lto of people away. They have to click many times, dive into the forum…too hard. We need to polish it up.
L: We don’t have this clear message about OS. We know software, but for the rest, it’s an interesting question. Shared building plans. We invite people.
J: Easiest is to define what it is not.
M: I like short video message idea. One of us does exactly says that: this is a journey we have started. Short message of journey we are attempting to do.
J: Definitely on board with that. EMF event - learning about circular economy. They do have a story to tell. We do as well. We are learning in a collaborative way. We are trying to make biz.
L: In 1st phase, we have these video of some of us explaining. What do you think of this?
J: Agreed. Seigo, please explain your point by audio?
S: Why we do things. If we can focus that we want to see a sustainable world, we can still get there.
J:We can explain principles and they cna experiment with those as well.
4.1 Place for written feedback and Organisation
Here is the topic where we will post updates about the progress and where we can discuss things further.
4.2 Name
For now it is Called "Open Labs: The Circular City – a collaboration by DIF & OSCEdays’. Does this make sense? See related discussion here. (first comment by @Frans
4.3 Introduction To The Structure
The infrastructure is up. Lars will explain the 3 phases and the pages. (1) Website1 (2) Cicular City Collection Topic for phase 1 (3) META – ACTION protocol (4) Local Event Sign Up (5) Festival Labs FAQ.
How is Sams Design?
What about the name?
@BoST please check the infrastructure so we can have good feedback and improve quickly. Will this work? Everyone who spots an error gets ice cream 
4.4 Introduction To The Communication & Documentation Strategy
@Frans will let us know, what is planned so far. We can discuss it further.
J: comm is more important than doccie. Working on comm.
F: I still have to get on track. Get started now to get first circle in. As soon as we say let’s go, approach our own community - do it not-too-late stage. There’s not much time. We have to act quickly.
J: Don’t we need to define our message first?
L: I don’t think so.
M: Asking our community by end of month is a way of activating them.
F: Agreed. Get them to start building up. Instead of us starting a fishing campaign. Get them onboard.
J: What do we need to get them on board for? We have audience at DIF via EMF. What is added value in investing time in activiating stakeholders when we already have 2 defined groups to work with.
M: When Lars put things out on the forum, very few people responded to the question. We need more activation so it’s not just the BoST always commenting on things.
L: Do we want to play in sandbox we setup for the actions?
J: I thought the sandbox. Seems we are taking one step back. For me, it’s about making clear the tools of comunication - text what OS is our process, the Action tools, process during DIF…these should come first
F: I think it should be parallel. Important to make good text about what we are doing, how people can join and to have this as a good set of comm tools. The other thing is to actively approach our community to get them more active.
J: What kind of comm? I’m talking about comm for DIF community. EMF approached us for something we have to share with DIF and now it looks like we are looking inward to our community.
M: I suggested we activate our own comm to shape how we comm to DIF.
L: Is see DIF and OSCE community are one and the same. DIF can reach some people we can’t. We show online collab process we are experimenting with and invite them. Some of us will watch the DIF talk and ask do you want to share in our platform?
J: That would be a fulltime job
L: Actually, I got this job
J: OK, but I disagree. DIF is different from OSCE Days community. Those are leaders who are unaware of how OS works. We have to see how they see the world before we get our message across. There’s a risk of a mismatch. It’s a different breed of people.
J: I am not too concerned with our community. We already have their attention. Problem is how to get them motivated more. Create solid foundation, have covernsation - what is the challenge. Example: Ask each of us to start meeting with some concept can help clarify what Stasia was saying. Maybe we can introduce systematically in meetings.
J: Good way to expand our views in world. Two different communities. Let’s try to get them together. A lot of people have organized events in summer are still interested in working with us. We all believe in it. We put that in core message linked to the action. We are doing something right.
How can we help you frans?
L: Tomorrow, website is ready. Frans will ask what is sent out with newsletter, tweets, etc. We will post this text on forum first and have discussion. This brings us to a clear timeline.
F: Good proposal. Also need logos finalized. To close question of how you can help me, this talk helped to see different perspectives. I will put my proposals in forum. I’m open for feedback. This can be a collab thing.
L: When should we send out newsletter?
F: maybe end of this week. Sooner the better. If we run through forum…
L: Good day for newsletter is Monday. Nobody clicks on Friday. Mon is day with most traffic. Tuesday is suppose to be optimal. Sharon said this.
L: Design. Can we look at this now?
M: Name is more urgent.
L: Frans, can you introduce?
F: Is there too many things to communicate? DIF brand, OSCE brand and now we introduce Open Labs
J: We want to comm two different org are coming together OSCE is working with EMF. Open Labs - already experimenting going on. It doesn’t feel like comm different messages.
F: OK, so collab between OSCE and EMF should be branded.
J: Does everyone have designs in front of them? Is there voting? Is there a deadline?
L: Tomorrow am.
J: Take 5 min after this meeting then give feedback.
Se: They’re calling it Festival Labs.
J: Valid point. Why are we changing it.
Si: Just check with Joe. Do a summary and let fRans and Lars talk to him this week. We need to give them updates, so that they can give us feedback.
L: We had this but it looked strange. On their website, it looks logical but on ours, it doesn’t.
Si: They are very adamant about branding. Somewhere, we are part of DIF festival. You and Frans should talk to them.
M: Compromise: Call it open festival labs. Use OSCE Design for Open and DIF for festival.
J: I agree with Sil. They are strong on branding. For them, the brand is very important. I vote for Festival labs.
Si: Let’s just check with Joe. Joe has access to forum. Maybe he’s already looked at it.
L: My initial draft said :DIF FEstival labs on the circular cities
M: It’s important that the OPEN stays somewhere. We need to raise this point.
5 Five Year Plan?
What is the 5 year vision for OSCEdays? See @Giens comment below
J: Let’s do this after the DIF.
L: Before you close call - step 2 - 2 to 3 hours to OSCE Days - Everyone takes 1 or 2 jobs. YOu can also make new relevant job.
J: Before people pick jobs, we need to discuss them, their decision power independent of BoST, role of BoST, subgroups, who decides what.
L: We can still sign up for the jobs. 2.2 is on decision structure.
M: If I say ok to take that responsibility, it doesn’t mean I decide it unilaterally.
J: These kinds of discussion are important. We need to do after DIF as well. After DIF, we have a case study.
L: Jobs are documented transparently.
Si: We are making wrong words. We already discussed roles. Have people who cover several task well and are go-to people for certain questions. Coming back to confusion on forum…go to that person instead of asking everyone. Improve efficiencies. We need a group that has roles and another group for making sure we meet deadlines.
J: There are more variations that can be added. DIF will be learning experience.
L: That’s two months from now. We need to have these roles before the DIF.Frans will do comm during DIF but he is gone after DIF. He may stay but he won’t be full time.
J: So roles it is.
J: Next Bost?
L: Morning call Oct 31.
Si: Do we need to meet more frequently before DIF?
L: They are hard to setup.
Si: We can decide on need basis
M: Like when we had to write job description, we can call a meeting as needed