AVAILABLE IN: English (below), Spanish
to register your local OSCEdays event we ask you to create a topic about it on this forum. No worries. The forum might look complicated at first but it isn’t.
After you signed up to the forum you can follow the 3 simple steps below. You can also learn more about the forum first in this short Video Tutorial about the forum.
3 Steps To Sign Up Your Event:
Step 1 – Find Your City Category
Find the purple category with the name of your city. If there is none for your city yet use the ‘New City’ category on top of the list of city categories to create your topic in.
Enter the category by clicking on it and then click on ‘New Topic’ button on the top right.
Step 2 – Enter A Topic Name
Give your topic a name for example:
’OSCEdays London – June 8-9, 2018’
Step 3 – Copy & Fill In The Template

/ Delete this & replace it with your welcome sentence like: ’Hi, welcome to OSCEdays YOUR CITY’. You can add also an image. /
# We Are
/ Replace this with 3 or 4 sentences about your and/or your organization. Provide a link if there is one. /
# We Will
/ Replace this with a short description of what you plan to do like. Please make clear in what way your event is about Open Source Circular Economy. Provide links for example to an external event website if you have one. /
# Date & Location
/ Add your event date and location. /
# Program
/ Add info and links on your program – for example what ACTIONS do you plan to play with. /# Contact
/ Add some contact info. How to get in touch with you? /
Improve and extend your topic as you like. You can add headlines for example about partners or how to join. Add images of your team or venue.
You can use your local language if you like.
Once your topic is posted an OSCEdays website admin will notice and add it to the website, the social media team will share it.
Play with your city category. Experiment with a transparent workflow – publish announcements, meetings and so on (see Berlin example).
You can transform topics into wikis to allow others to edit it together with you.
You don’t have to make this topic the official website of your event. Feel free to set up an external website for example on the homepage of your organization.
Use The Forum To Build Your Event Program
This is not mandatory but an invitation:
When you build your local event you will probably use some kind of website to share information about it and its program for the public. How about instead of asking your contributors to send in the information about their contribution via email to you - make them post it themselves directly on the OSCEdays forum.

The local team in Berlin did this in the past years. And some of those announcements are now fully fledged and openly available solutions (see this example). The Berlin team organized their full program on the forum in 2016 and 2017.
We created a TUTORIAL you can send to your local community/contributors to invite them to do this.
TUTORIAL: Add Something To The Event Program
You might hear some complains though. People don’t always like to use new systems. But make them do it anyway and learn about open workflows. In Berlin 95% of the people did it. The rest needed help (we posted it for them).
Questions left?
If you have more questions please ask them below in the comments.
If you encounter problems with signing up to the forum send an email to the current onboarding team (= General Inquiry).
This registering procedure was established in 2017. For that reasons you won’t find information in a lot of city categories like this, yet.