Here we’re going to post more ideas on how textiles waste can be re-used / upcycled, and what have other OSCE Days communities already done on this.
There is already a list of resources from other OSCE Days events on Circular Textiles on the OSCE Days forum: here or here
Interesting links to take a look at:
SMILE Resource exchange Ireland: - a free platform for businesses to connect and identify potential synergies where a waste in one business can be a resource in another.
WRAP UK - Lots of interesting work and ideas on what actions to take in a community on re-using textiles waste
There’s also the European Clothing Action Plan project, funded by the EU - receiving applications for offering hands-on support to designers, retailers, brands, supplier, etc to receive advice from specialised industry organisations on how to re-use / up-cycle textiles and implement circular economy solutions at local level.
The Textiles Recycling Valley initiative in Northern France - interdisciplinary collaboration to increase collection and reuse of textiles.
It also created a textiles recycling stock exchange:
@Silvia was mentioning we could also explore 3D printing with textiles, there are materials online, like this example here. @Silvia , @all, what other ideas could we explore on 10 June?