READ ME FIRST - Los Angeles OSCEdays 2016

This is the READ ME FIRST for the OSCEdays Los Angeles event. General information about the event can be found here:

Event Details:
Date - June 11, 2016
Time - 10am to 9pm (Pacific Daylight Time)
Location - Hub101 Incubator
Organizers - @brandonhighland

There is a Facebook Group and Twitter for the global event as well.

What are we doing?
A hackathon-style event for all people interested in taking hands-on action to support a circular economy locally and globally. Since this is the first time we are holding this event in L.A., we are doing a one-day event to try it out. This event is open to everyone and no experience with hackathons (or programming) is required. We are focusing on creating new insights, connections, building community, co-learning, co-creating, and having fun!

Our challenge categories are:

  1. Textiles,
  2. Tech,
  3. Sustainability,
  4. or you can suggest a different one.

9:15am-10am: Check-in and networking
10am-12:30pm: Hackathon-style process begins
12:30pm: Lunch Break
3pm: Project status updates
7pm: Project demos
9pm: End

Want to get involved?
We are looking for volunteers to help in any way, big or small. This includes:

  • Promoting the event
  • Recruiting participants and team leaders
  • Communications

Best way to prepare for the event:

Watch this video - “What is the circular economy?


What we do?
We are an open group participating in Open Source for Circular Economy here in Greater Los Angeles. We are developing and supporting challenges and projects for the OSCEdays event here in L.A..

How to Join?
We are open to new people anytime, online and offline.

(1) A good start is to study the Los Angeles Category as well as the Los Angeles Tag. There you get a first impression and find ways to contribute directly online. You can also look at other cities around the world, such as Berlin.

(2) Join a local meeting. Currently there is a local meeting happening at Hub101 in Westlake Village, CA on June 11th, 2016 (There also virtual events happening throughout the 5 day long global event)

(3) Create a challenge. You can create an Open Source Circular Economy related challenge anytime here in the forum and present it at the event as well. There will be an open call for challenges–See the challenge categories chosen for 2016 here:

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