Right! notes from the London meetup on the 12th of April
@Grit @WoonTan @rachels42 @gpinuk @UsAndRufus & Harry - @sharmarval in spirit!
Here’s some rather messy ones
Which translate as…
Building on one or more of previous years themes/ topics/ challenges - options being:
- Trust is not a waste / Recycling App - building cictizen trust in the system as well as ability of feedback/ action in improving
- Circular Makespaces - practical guidance and tools to build and embed circular economy thinking into maker/fab/hacker spaces (and the users/ startups)
- Open Energy Monitor- building understanding, consideration an guidance around LCA/ embodied energy of hardware
- CIrcular Economy considerations and guidance for the growing wearbles, IoT, embedded tech/ software/ hardware sector
Considerations of these or looking at cross cutting elements around documentation included:
- spending time purely mapping and documenting london osce related activities - visit, interview, create a resource
- elements of making and taking apart, documenting
- developing open source tools and signage on circular economy e.g. correct format to be able to build on
- Having an element in including more of a panel, presentation element - reaching out to others who may not be able to attend at a weekend or are less inclined to practical doing - attend debates, talks, roundtables etc
- law, insurance, patents - around this area
- measurement, efficiencies of scale, supply chains
- highlighting and exploring barriers/ enables/ preconceptions of open source/ circular economy business models
Overall the particualr area that stood out and was felt to be a worthwhile focus (with also global application and links) was around circular makespaces - resources, tools and guidance for space and the users (what they make) to be circular
Splitting up - less one type of longer intense event but ability to take part at different parts levels
- pre-event - warm up week or 2 before
- post-event - continuation and reiterate the open source collaboration practical aspect / different from traditional hackathon
- Building the London community and activity - shared time spent on this aspect
- highlighting and directing to other events and organisations happening during the week that are OSCEdays related
- Ensure linkages pre - during - post with global networks - perhaps setting these up in advance
What we want to achieve/ get out of it?
- Have worked and moved a specific focus forward
- To experience organising this type of activity/ community
- Use, share and learn new skills
- Learn more about and open source / circular economy
Places & Orgs
Need to have time - send out to all those linked, involved/ contacted last year - put together a one pager outline
Possible options - look at hubs / make spaces - Possible collaboration Machines rooms
Also possible satellite outing trip to Reading
mentioned Rescom - wikihouse foundation - Open LCA - 6 Heads - makesense (links also to food topic) - KTN (@Barry_W)
- Mozilla, Aker
- Keen to link to global aspects, videos, Mentors, documentation BUT keep it simple as limited time resources
Limited funding (have not had time to get sponsorship but will put a proposal together
Food element would be interesting to link with makesene project focus @gpinuk
Will be lean/ efficient / beer sponsor (ofcourse) brew dog… open source
Possible support from Machine rooms for venue one day, maybe CRL and connect with place/s in Reading
Tons of passion and energy 
Communication channels
All join,reacquaint with community forum i.e. HERE
- slack or email group/ trello for local org and quick response/ planning
- Gdrive for shared documents
So…The Days Draft Outline …
In advance already start building focus around topic area and action, pulling together - e.g. on circular makespaces connects with Berlin ( @Alice_audrey) , Helsinki (@ckohtala ) @LeBiome etc
Thur 9th (or before)
A more intro wider accessible panel, talk orientated on open source and circular economy - perhaps debate/ business models and circular fab labs/ startups- could even be a lead in week or so before
Little time for separate event - could link to DFM Summit if anyone is able to attend? Alternatively online hangout/ watch opening etc…
Fri 10th
THINK (& Drink)
Perhaps more of a social / open mic session with makes sense project style also any other local events happening
Will be at the Machinesroom focuinsg on developing circular places - resources & guidance - including for users such as LCA with Open Energy Monitor - 10:30 to 6pm
Sat 11th
Practical day of action focusing on building resources/guidance for circular make spaces (and startup tools) BOOST it forward - also how hackathons are not circular…
Also look at next steps for OSCEdays in London and wider (can continue to sunday)
Trip to Reading to learn and share/ map osce days related activities and meet people - GreenFest / Water Fest
Sun 12th
Trip to Reading to learn and share/ map osce days related activities and meet people -
Focus on Circular initiatives for the new London Mayor - an open letter
Mon 13th
Sleeeeeeeeeeep ,oh and document, document, document!
- Write-up - check
- Get Gdrive and coms up and running
- Others to join forum (if not already)
- Send photo/ preferredlinks for London website to Erica email - erica@technicalnature.org.uk
- Think and link any suporting organisations/ people related
- Send out wider email communication to oscedays database of participants/ interest
- So next meet-up will be 22nd as @Jaime will be in town