[EVENT DOCU] OSCEdays Varambon June 12th, 2015

This is the documentation of the OSCEdays Varambon event. You will find links for the documentation of the challenges below.

We had a one day event with about 20 active participants. About half were locals participants, who did not know or knew very little about OSCE, so this is a success since one of our objective was to raise awareness about collaborative and open source strategies in this rural area.

During the OSCEdays happened a lot of live reporting – live-video chats with 25 cities. The global reporting was done from berlin. And here is the report from our venue:

What we did
First, all participants presented themselves, with their particular skills, expectations or interest in Circular Economy. Collective discussion lead to a few descriptive words drawn by each participants as a part of a tree. Explaining why a certain part (leaves, roots, seeds,…) was chosen alos contributed to the dialogue.


5 projects were developed branching from the main theme.
Small groups were formed around each project and started collective work, people arriving during the afternoon were able to join existing groups.

see another video here

4 conceptual models were created for each project and presented collectively.
3 main themes were approached: Energy <-> Documentation <-> Materials
Further work should be done to rethink the links between those themes.

What’s next?

  • The local (and global!) OSCEdays community is invited to go visit the aggregate quarry in Château Gaillard for a specific focus on circular Economy in the construction and civil engeneering sector, more specifically targeting construction waste . This company handles 300 000 tons of granulate per year. If you are interested please get in touch.

See and contribute to the documentation of each project here:

Team Varambon

Organisation: Isabelle Radtke, sculptor @ Les Usines Louise
Frugal design, poetic thinking, product development.
Michèle Mayard-Kilgallon
Partner @ Shinylab Studio Creation Communication Advisor Extraordinaire :sunglasses:

Co-host: Yvain Berthlot, Référent Byomimicry Lab @ La Paillasse Saône
Claudine Revol, local ouishare coordinator collaborative econmy, POC21, new education
& Alain Imbaud,Président @ Musique Libre Open-source culture and Libre Hacktivist

Florent Querini, LCA engineer @ Cyleco Life Cycle Assessment, Energetic systems, Mobility and Transport Benjamin Lhermitte @ CCI de l’Ain, environment, sustainable economy , Jean-Sébastien Flammang, thermician Rémi Loubier @ Zest zone d’expérience sociale et technologique
Rémi Cret @ ARG Ludovic Boulard Le Fur, Alexandre Negrello, computer scientist
Sarah Blick, Collaborative economy, life coaching, communication, Samuel Eyre colearning, Claire Chauvel, painter, Laurent Dreveton-Amzalac, Odile Boudot, Human ressources Steven Killgallon @Alienhearts music, video, graphic design, Elisa @being a Kid, Fred Pitiot human ressources, Frank Pitiot art, permaculture, Ross Radtke aerospace engineering, burger master