#Call for Challenges for the OSCEdays Berlin
###(deutsche Version verfügbar)
The Open Source Circular Economy Days (OSCEdays) is a global event on Open Source for a zero waste Circular Economy. This is the call for challenge®s for the local event in Berlin from June 11 to 15.
(The Call for Participants you can find here.)
#Bring a Challenge
During the OSCEdays diverse and interdiciplinary teams of scientists, engineers, makers, businesswoman & -man, artists, hackers, students, environmentalists and grassroots activists will work together locally and globally on diverse challenges exploring the possibilities of an Open Source Circular Economy. And we are open to your challenge-proposal!
#What is a Challenge?
A challenge is a task, a project, a problem or just an idea or question. Something people can work on together for some time to find or build new possibilities or push existing ones further.
During the OSCEdays we want to work openly on challenges from the fields of circular economy, waste management, environmental or resource protection, open source and general sustainability.
What is a good fit for the OSCEdays event in Berlin and how to frame a challenge? A view hinds:
THE SUBJECT: The OSCEdays are about Open Source & Circular Economy. The challenge should be part of at least one of these two worlds and be willing to expand also to the other. Openness is key! If you have a circular economy project, problem or idea - share and discuss it openly. If you have an open source project - explore how it could become more circular.
THE SOURCE: The origin/background of the challenge could be anything from just an idea to a students project to a real and serious industry, waste management, design or logistics problem.
METHODOLOGY: How to design the challenge? There are several possibilities like a simple brainstorming or discussion (to create ideas or also fully fledged plans or documents), a real prototyping session for hardware or software or something else, implementation days (take an existing solution and apply it), a documentation jam (open source an existing solution or case) or more playful things like art or a trip or …
CLARITY: If you like to engage collaborators your challenge should be possible to understand for people from other fields. The OSCEdays aim to bring together experts and enthusiasts from different fields and create interdisciplinary exchange. So get prepared and ready to teach people, introduce them, show them what you do, explain problems you face and underlying connections. Allow them to give you valuable feedback and to help you to gain fresh perspectives. Try to pick and frame your challenge for this. Or…
- PROFESSIONALISM: But Open Source does not mean to break down everything to be understood by non-professionals. Highly professional tasks or projects are welcome as well. But if you come to work on a very specialized problem from a very specialized area, don’t expect that there is someone at the venue with your level of expertise able to help you with your problem. But come anyway! A challenge doesn’t necessarily mean that you include others in the process. Just sit down and work on it. As long as you are open about it and willing to share (maybe a documentation jam) and explain it to people you are very welcome. Let Openness do its magic! People might find a way to help you to push your project.
In general: We are about open source. So we will prefer challenges that will be documented and produce an open and shareable outcome. You challenge and project will be seen by many creative people across the globe.
Interested? Please:
##More Questions?
If you have questions about challenges take a look around in the forum. If you can’t find an answer, post your question in this thread. Or get in touch with some of the challenge curating team via email: Lars zimmermann.lars(ät)email.de or/and Alice grindhammer.audrey.alice(ät)gmail.com
If you don’t want to present a challenge you can join the OSCEdays Berlin also as a participant.
LINKS: OSCEdays global Website | OSCEdays Berlin Website | OSCEdays Berlin Category