In today’s call we had @Gien @Jaime @JayKay @JuliaP @Lars2i @Melanie_Tan and me (well, I was listening - somehting was wrong with my mic).
Sharon has the lead on the newsletter, Jaime is helping her - we are considering asking for donations or help with sponsorship in the newsletter. This weekend we should have it sorted out. We should add announcements of upcoming community calls to the newsletter
The ETA on sending it is May 3rd.
Melanie will contribute something about her organisation and involvement for the following newsletter, which will be sent ~15th of May.
###Meet the Mentors
We have a new section called ‘Meet the Mentors’:
This will hopefully allow us to have the mentorship program that we wanted, without it being a strain on our resources.
We still need a tutorial to explain how it works, and we should encourage people to set themselves up as a Mentor. Johnny & Lars will work together on setting up this tutorial.
Johnny and Erica are planning to skype with Ellen MacArthur Foudnation - there should be potential there for mentors or backing of some kind.
Jaime suggests creating a blogpost from our discussion with Averill: Open Source Circular Economy Article (& Open Source Business Models)
Lars is releasing his business models video soon too!
and Johnny has written a lot (in dutch) on business models too. He will translate it soon!
So we will soon have an avalanche of Open/Circular business model content to share.
There’s a big Dutch circular economy event on 16th of June if anyone is interested? Johnny will be hosting a workshop on Circular business models. Get in touch with him to attend or find out more.
###Community Calls
Our first community call will be on May 4th, we’ll follow a similar pattern to our BoSt calls - one around 7pm GMT, one around 10am GMT etc. We need to add community calls to the newsletter!
###Global Challenges
we should encourage collaboration between cities a little more - use challenges eg Justina’s Zero Waste Challenge to get people from different cities involved. Make these challenges more visible. Everybody seems to agree that this is a good idea.
###OSCEDays 2016 Outcomes
we need guidelines for collecting more outcomes from the event - we should develop a procedure for which the BoST can run a ‘debriefing’ procedure with all/many of the participating groups.
###Outline Key Dates
15 more days to go for event signup! May 11th is the final day to join. Looks like we will have aorund 60 events. Lars will add this date to the main page as well.
Jaime spoke to Kyle from iFixit, he would like just one list of participating events, 6 weeks before the event. Jaime will send this on April 29th, any cities not yet on the list don’t get the kit, sorry!
###Sponsor Updates
we’ve got a big environmental services company in Dubai interested in running a local event. Lars will discuss potential sponsorship with them as well.
We have confirmed a small sponsorship from Suez which goes towards the global organising costs. We will find out more about communication requirements in a call soon.
Johnny will soon talk to Philips (who were interested in sponsoring the Nijmegen event) about potentially sponsoring the global team.
###Ask us Anything
Please send any journalists to our Ask Us Anything thread! and please contribute answers to the As Us Anything thread as well! it would be great to get a diverse group of people responding.
###Re-Founding of OSCE e.V
We will have the re-founding meeting in Berlin on May 3. For the sponsorship agreement with Suez, Janosch wrote the contract in his official capacity as Vorstand - we’re doing things properly now, just like a real Association 
see you in two weeks!