PROGRAM OSCEdays Berlin 2017

:de: DEUTSCH | :globe_with_meridians: ENGLISH (below)

:de: Hallo. Auf dieser Seite entsteht aktuell das Programm der Open Source Circular Economy (OSCE) Days Berlin 2017. Interesse noch Teil des Programms zu werden? Dann lies unseren:


Oder komme zu unseren offenen Bürostunden immer mittwochs von 12:00-19:00. Ab 17:00 Uhr ist immer ein offenes Treffen zum einfach dazukommen. Kommt vorbei und wir können über OSCEdays und Programmpunkte und anderes sprechen. Vorher kurz Lars anrufen/schreiben: +49 176 218 65 009

:globe_with_meridians: Hi there. Here’s where the program of Open Source Circular Economy (OSCE) Days Berlin 2017 is currently being developed. We will have Assemblies, Panels, Talks, Challenges, Workshops and lots of space for unforeseen magic. Want to contribute or become part of the program? Join us! Go ahead and:


Or visit us during our Open Office Hours every Wednesday from 12:00-19:00. Regular open Meeting at 17:00. We are happy to meet you to discuss OSCEdays and brainstorm creative contributions to OSCEdays Berlin. Swing by (and call/text Lars first: +49 176 218 65 009)

Ort / Venue

CRCLR, Rollbergstr. 26


HAUPTTAGE 29. Juni - 2. Juli / MAIN DAYS June 29 - July 2

:de: Das volle übersichtlich organisierte Programm findet ihr auf der CRCLR Website. :globe_with_meridians: The full and visually organized program can be found on the CRCLR Website.

Inhalte / Content

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Hi, thanks for adding my challenge to the program! Would it be possible to do it on the 1st July? Time is flexible.

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@AICHA - yes it is possible :slight_smile:

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Hi Lars, and since we have the ReThink Festival on Saturday I’d like to run the Easy Piece challenge on Friday June 30, and La Finca Humana challenge (that I’ll post soon) on Sunday July 2, if possible! :slight_smile:

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@Babaruna Possible. Just write it down in the topic of the La Finca Humana Challenge.

And I was thinking: You could also create a little topic about the ReThink-Festival and link to your program – point out something about circularity/openness in it. Do you have a party at the ReThink?

@Lars2i Okay that, I’ll write down wanted date info in topic for La finca Humana.

Shall I add it to the Easy Piece too?

And yes, we’ll have waste cooking ReDining w. entertainment at the ReThink Festival. Already have an idea for little ReThink topic …

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Yes, you can do that for the Easy Piece too.

Looking forward to the topic.

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We have also plenty of talks and panels on Friday which are not in the program. But you can find them here: