ENGLISH (below)

Hallo. Auf dieser Seite entsteht aktuell das Programm der Open Source Circular Economy (OSCE) Days Berlin 2017. Interesse noch Teil des Programms zu werden? Dann lies unseren:
Oder komme zu unseren offenen Bürostunden immer mittwochs von 12:00-19:00. Ab 17:00 Uhr ist immer ein offenes Treffen zum einfach dazukommen. Kommt vorbei und wir können über OSCEdays und Programmpunkte und anderes sprechen. Vorher kurz Lars anrufen/schreiben: +49 176 218 65 009
Hi there. Here’s where the program of Open Source Circular Economy (OSCE) Days Berlin 2017 is currently being developed. We will have Assemblies, Panels, Talks, Challenges, Workshops and lots of space for unforeseen magic. Want to contribute or become part of the program? Join us! Go ahead and:
Or visit us during our Open Office Hours every Wednesday from 12:00-19:00. Regular open Meeting at 17:00. We are happy to meet you to discuss OSCEdays and brainstorm creative contributions to OSCEdays Berlin. Swing by (and call/text Lars first: +49 176 218 65 009)
Ort / Venue
CRCLR, Rollbergstr. 26
HAUPTTAGE 29. Juni - 2. Juli / MAIN DAYS June 29 - July 2
Das volle übersichtlich organisierte Programm findet ihr auf der CRCLR Website.
The full and visually organized program can be found on the CRCLR Website.
Inhalte / Content
- ASSEMBLY – BottleLab Berlin: Mehrwert für Mehrweg | 3d Printing, Reuse, Modularity | by @Paszin | SAT & SUN
- ASSEMBLY – Soap Lab: Making Soap out of used cooking oil Reuse | by @GuerillaArchitects | SAT all day
- ASSEMBLY - mechanical bit - applied autarky research | Hardware, Modularity | by @dan | ALL DAYS
- MAGIC – Rollberg Fundstücke Neu-Gedacht - Ein resourcenarchäologisches Stadtspiel | Resources, Cities | by @ImpulsbueroBerlin | SAT 12:00-15:30
- [CHALLENGE] Sub-irrigation planters for container gardening | Gardening, Biosphere, Reuse | by @lu_cyP | SAT or SUN
- CHALLENGE & ASSEMBLY – Co-create the BERLIN SCHOOL OF CIRCULAR PRACTICES | Education, Circular Economy, Berlin | by @Alice_audrey | FR, SAT, SUN 17:00-18:00
- CHALLENGE/PODIUM - Cradle to Cradle and the Circular City | Cities, Buildings; by @jo_stigo | JUNE 30, JULY 1
- CHALLENGE/RESEARCH - TexClay: A textile clay for sustainable and reversible (fast) fashion | Textiles, Materials; by @AICHA | JULY 1st
- WORKSHOP - Open Source Business Models for Circular Economy | Business, Open Source by @Lars2i
- ASSEMBLY: Circular Making - with the Make: Circularity Poster | Making, Hardware;
- CHALLENGE/PROJECT: Easy Piece – Can one garment save the world? | Fashion; by @Babaruna
- WORKSHOP: Zirkuläre Organisationen / Circular Organisations | Organisations; by @oscemac
- CHALLENGE: Urban Energy – das neue Urban Gardening. Wie bringen wir die Energiewende in die Städte? | Energy by @100pes | 1. JULI, 10:30 - 14:30
- WORKSHOP/ASSEMBLY - Cyceloo 2017 | Toilets, Hardware; by @transitionmica
- CHALLENGE - Create a Game Of A City Running On Circular Economy | Education, Planning | by @juan
- TALK - About the Pukika Experiment - a project to build from scratch a self-sufficient city for 3 million people. | Cities; by @juan
- CHALLENGE: La Finca Humana – How to plant and spread a new, sustainable world | Food | by @Babaruna | JULY 1st & JULY 2nd
- ASSEMBLY: Bau einer geodätischen Kuppel / Geodesic Dome Construction | Construction, Buildings | by Dominik | JULY 1 + 2
- CHALLENGE: Blühende Städte / Blooming Cities | Education | by @Dieter
- DISKUSSION & WORKSHOP: Circular Design | Design, Products | by @Hannes & Berlin Partner | JUNE 30
- CHALLENGE: Circular StreetDesign: Convert Waste To Art To Protect A Street Tree | Street Art, Cities | by @damax | JULY 1 & 2
- WORKSHOP – Make Compost not War, Guerilla Composting | Composting | by @lusi | JULY 2
- WORKSHOP: Integral Mycology | Mushrooms, Recycling | by @dax | JUNE 30 (evening)
- TALK: Biomimicry & Stadtmobilität (Info) | Dr. Arndt Pechstein | JULY 1
- WORKSHOP – Mapping Circular Initiatives in Berlin - Session No 1: WHAT | Mapping | by @ilektra & @Sandra_Nicoline_Niel | JULY 1, 15:00 -17:00
- WORKSHOP – Mapping Circular Initiatives in Berlin - Session No 2: HOW? | Mapping | by @ilektra & @Sandra_Nicoline_Niel | JULY 2, 15:00 -17:00
- WORKSHOP: Impulsbüro Berlin – Abteilung für Gamicipation (Spielewerkstatt) | Cities, Neighbourhoods | by @ImpulsbueroBerlin |
- WORKSHOP: Bundle Dye. Mit Pflanzen aus der Stadt und Küche färben | Textiles, Bio-based | by @Elke_Fiebig | JULY 2 13:00-16:00
- WORKSHOP: Find ways to direct government efforts towards a circular and sustainable economy | Policy, Education | by @FBW | JULY 2 afternoon
- CHALLENGE - OSCEdays Berlin, July 2nd - DYCLE - Strategies for circular composting cases and communities | Composting, Diapers | by @Sandra_Nicoline_Niel & @ayumi | JULY 2 afternoon
- WORKSHOP: The Power of Face to Face - Wie du Menschen für dein Projekt begeisterst | Communication, Education | by @Claudi_Sult | JULY 1
- CHALLENGE: Tag & Track – the material journey of Agora Rollberg Berlin | Materials, Tracking | by @go4isabel | JULY 1 14:30-17:30
- WORKSHOP: Design and Build a Pedal-Powered Shredder | Hardware | by @philipp + | 1st/2nd JULY
- WORKSHOP: Follow The Object! Imagining Circular Alternatives | Hardware, Objects | @Lena_F | JULY 2nd, 14:00
- CHALLENGE/WORKSHOP: Hiebo Hacking – Re-design a Circular lamp | Hardware, Modularity | by @Mifactori | JULY 2, 11:00-16:00 one hour slots/einstündige Slots
- SHOW & TELL: Small in Berlin - a tiny house and mobile office from Tokyo | housing | by @Titus | SUNDAY 2pm
- TALK: Soulbottles – Gewaltfreie Kommunikation & Holacracy | Organisationsformen | by @dominik_soulbottles | FRIDAY 15:30
- ASSEMBLY – Katze im Sack! – Kleidertausch & der Kiez-Kleiderschrank | Reuse, Fashion, Textiles | by @Sarah_Schwesig | SUN all day
- ASSEMBLY / CHALLENGE – 18L Module - big plastic bottles | Reuse, Water, Plastic | by @Nikusha | SAT all day
- WORKSHOP - Schön Wie Wir Aktion - Blumensamen-Postkarten | Biosphere | by @Schoen_wie_wir | SAT 12:00-16:00
- CHALLENGE: Kaffeesatz verwerten - lokale Wertschöpfung fördern
- ASSEMBLY: Open walk-in hour | Open Source Ecology | offene Sprechstunde
- [CHALLENGE] Open up education locally, neighbourhood or school :: Schulen zu offenen Lernwerkstätten machen, lokale Lernnetzwerke bauen
- [Challenge] How to make the ReThink Festival a glocal event?
IMG: Maker Faire San Mateo 2011 (078) CC-BY-ND by Rip R.Lagenta (Flickr)
Vorevents / Pre-Events
29.4. Circular Fashion Knowledge Hub
13.5. Circular Food & Circular Urban Gardening / Zirkuläres Essen und urbane Lebensmittelproduktion
27.5. Circular Mobility & PARK(ing) Day / Zirkuläre Mobilität & PARK(ing) Day
10.6. Circular Making
24.6. Circular Building & Construction / Zirkuläres Bauen & Wohnen