ASSEMBLY / CHALLENGE – 18L Module - big plastic bottles

##Wer sind wir / Who are we

Nikusha (Nikoloz) Chkhaidze - Designer

##Kurzbeschreibung / Short Description

18L Module is the project which aims to redesign and reuse 18l used water plastic bottles which are collected from different companies. Normally after use they end up in trash can.

##Wann / When

on Saturday 01.06. there will be a challenge working with 18L modules

##Ressourcen / Resources


I am working with groups of artisans and school children to create sculptures from reclaimed single use plastics found in our homes- we will be experimenting with ways to fuse various plastics but have limited access to industry tools- can you recommend ways we can fuse plastic using simple tools and techniques? Thanks much!


Hello Laurel,

I am really sorry for responding so late, somehow I just saw your comment.
But anyway I couldn’t say a lot, because so far I found ways to avoid fusing. There are no glues, screws or fused plastic in this particular project. They can be disassembled in very short time, rearranged or upgraded very easily.
I would suggest this Approach (if possible of course) which is a part of circularity I believe.