Initiative Blühende Städte - Blooming Cities

##Who we are:
So far simply me having an idea, looking for people to see if the idea might work.
so ping me here or via:

##What I’m looking for:

  • Support in Design and prototyping the furniture.
  • And for proof of concept also looking for people to make it going.

I think it would be great to be able to talk about first experiences at the OSCEdays already. So I think to work on that the Kiez of Agora/ crclr hub definetly matches to start. As there are various connections.

Next steps see as reply.

##So here is the basic idea:

Initiative to raise awarenes for

  • Concious consumption
  • Local chains of value adding
  • for closed loops (Circ. Eco.)
  • Open source
  • Co-creation
  • Co-operation along the value chain

Using the value chain of Flowers – cut flower and potted flowers - as visible instrument.

Not blaming other production sites: just communicate: „This one was brought to you by a local value chain.“

So the idea is, to do business and to pay everyone who is participating in the value chain!

Setting up value chains – and securing that everyone is economically participating of the revenues`

Initiative blooming cities


##Extended: What I’m looking for:

Same situation like for doing the later operational business: Looking for partners a long the co-creation and co-realisation chain.

I have an idea, or let’s say some ideas along the value chain and I want to work on the idea.

##Some kind of first shedule
Actually I want to get in touch with one or the other Gärtnerei in Neukölln this Saturday May 21st.

Same time thinking about how a prototyp for a hanging garden similiar like the picture linked. So there are open Source ideas, also no rocket science…

Really no constuction to think, most challenging thing might be to thing about how it can be fixed on a wall.

I think it should be a hanging construction, as it allows not to touch cover public ground.

With that it should fine with the allowance of the house owner to hang it.

Fine tuning regarding design is for looking closer to size bags for cut flowers and potted flowers and the ratio on one module.

Even as it’s planned to do business, so there might come up discussions with the Gewerbeamt, in first step it definetly can be claimed “art”, placing it on a private wall, no one should be able to deny it.

###So partners I look for at the moment might be:

  • design, and prototyping - including an information sign and a money box.
  • local logistic hub, maybe Kunst-Stoffe
  • Connection to Kiez people for first hanging. Maybe a hospital or a cemetary are perfect spots to start, as there people might have reasons to buy spontaneous flowers in extra high density.
  • For doing daily operations, I thought about getting in touch with homeless organisations like Motz or Strassenfeger. Or to the refugee supportive community. This could be adjusted to any close relation to one of the any partner which might want to participate in earlier value chain.

Would be great if some is in.

Regarding category and tags:

I choose categorie of Business… product or material also would match.

Initially selling the flowers with the vertical gardening objects,

I expect that requests for the vertical gardening objects itself are following: “Where to buy them, maybe personalized”.

I have no interest in particapating in that business. At least not to benefit from it.

Hey @Dieter Sounds good. But I am not really sure if I understood correctly what the Challenge/Idea is about: Machines in the street everyone can use to shred flowers? What is the elevator pitch? How would a kid that sees this in the street describe it to its friends?

PLUS: Do you already know what date(s) you want to run the challenge and in what language?

ping @transitionmica