Mini OSCE day in Vienna in January

I am planning to hold a mini OSCE day in Vienna in January and have a couple of questions.

  1. Are there any rules that need to be adhered to?
  2. Is anyone interested in being part of the organizing?


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Hi Michael, welcome to our community and thank you for organizing an event in Vienna.

Here is a list we use for local events, but you have a lot of freedom to decide the content and format. One of our main requests is for the local organizers to document and share the content and conclusions.


Please get in touch with @maltefiala, who is also based in Vienna and organized events in 2015.
Local Team Vienna

You can count on any of us in BoST to help you with the event and any other activity in OSCEdays. If you want, you can join our next call on December 3 at 7 pm GMT on Skype.

HI Silvia,

Thanks a lot! It was just finalized. Our event will take place 16th January, and we have a location :slight_smile:
Would love to join the Skype call!

@maltefiala I think we were in touch earlier this year about the event I held tied to Circular and Open Hardware. Would be great if you could be on board!

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The OSCE event is now online

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Sent a mail to Malte directly…

@BoST reminder to attend the workshop and answer questions about our community, if you have time. Gien and Silvia are signed-up. Anybody else?