This poster is open, it is shared under the Creative-Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This means you can do with it whatever you like even sell prints of it – please do – as long as you leave this remark here a part of it. | The poster was created by community members of the Open Source Circular Economy Days (OSCEdays): Lars2i, RicardoRug, sharmarval, Jan_D, transitionmaike, cameralibre & jo_stiego. The design of the version above was made by Lars2i. | DOWNLOAD the poster to remix, translate or print it from here:
I started to work on the design which resulted into small changes of the text and a changed order. So here is a new iteration.
#Version 0.8 (content)
#Make: Circularity
Source Locally Whenever You Can.
Use Recyclable Materials.
Make The By-Products Of Today’s Project The Material For Tomorrow’s.
Avoid Toxins And Rare Materials.
Bio-based Is Cool, Bio-degradable Is Cooler!
Your Project? Made For The Bin Or Made To Build Upon?
Screws Are Better Than Glues: Nuts And Bolts Are Even Better!
Make Everything Separable And Fit For Reassembly.
Modularity Is Good. Parts That Work As Other Parts Are Fun.
Simple And Easy To Understand Is Beautiful, Social And Very Likely More Sustainable.
Use Common And Open Standards And Tools. Avoid Expensive Special Equipment And Approaches.
Collaborate: Try To Find Symbioses With Other Peoples’ Projects.
Do More With Less! Hack And Improve Old Projects.
Repairing Is Often The Best Kind Of Making.
Openness Is The Key To Circularity: Enable Others To Build Upon Your Work!
Go For A Walk In The Woods, Study How Good Nature Is At Circularity.
This poster is open, it is shared under the Creative-Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This means you can do with it whatever you like even sell prints of it – please do – as long as you leave this remark here a part of it. | The poster was created by community members of the Open Source Circular Economy Days (OSCEdays): Lars2i, RicardoRug, sharmarval, Jan_D, transitionmaike, cameralibre & jo_stiego. The design of the version above was made by Lars2i. | Download the poster to remix, translate or print it from here:
Has los subproductos de los proyecto de hoy la materia prima de mañana.
Evita las toxinas y los materiales raros.
Bio-basado es bueno, biodegradable es mucho mejor!
¿Tu proyecto? ¿Terminará en la caneca o está hecho para ir mas allá?
Los Tornillos son mejores que los pegamentos: tuercas y pernos son incluso mejores!
Has que todo sea separable pueda ser reensamblado.
La modularidad es buena. Las partes que funcionan como otras partes son divertidas.
Simple y fácil de entender es hermoso, social y posiblemente más Sostenible.
Utiliza herramientas Standar, comunes y abiertas. Evite el equipo especial y costoso.
Colabora: Trata de encontrar simbiosis con los proyectos de otras personas.
¡Haz más con menos! Hackea y mejorar proyectos antiguos.
La reparación es a menudo la mejor forma de hacer.
La apertura es la clave de la circularidad: ¡Permite que otros construyan sobre su trabajo!
Dá un paseo en el campo, estudia lo buena que es la naturaleza en la circularidad.
Observación de licencia
Este cartel es abierto, se comparte bajo Creative Commons Licencia Internacional Atribucion 4.0. Esto significa que puedes hacer con él cartel lo que gustes, incluso imprimirlo para la venta - pero por favor - mientras que dejes esta observación aquí como parte del cartel. | El cartel fue creado por miembros de la comunidad Open Source and Circular economy days (OSCEdays): Lars2i, RicardoRug, sharmarval, Jan_D, transitionmaike, cameralibre y jo_stiego. El diseño de la versión anterior fue hecho por Lars2i. | Descargue el póster para modificarlo, traducirlo o imprimirlo desde aquí:
Rendi i sottoprodotti del progetto di oggi Il materiale per domani.
Evita tossine e materiali rari.
Biologico è figo, biodegradabile è figissimo!
Il tuo progetto? Realizzato per il cestino o fatto per costruire di piu?
Le viti sono più adatte che la colla: le dadi e le viti sono ancora migliori!
Fai tutto separabile e adattabile per il riassemblaggio.
La modularità è buona. Parti che funzionano come altre parti sono divertenti.
Semplice e facile da comprendere è bello, sociale e molto probabilmente Più sostenibile.
Utilizza strumenti standard, comuni e aperti. Evita attrezzature e approcci speciali e costosi.
Collabora: cerca di trovare simbiosi con progetti di altre persone.
Fa di più con meno! (Hacka??) e migliora i vecchi progetti.
La riparazione è spesso il miglior tipo di fare.
L’apertura è la chiave della circolarità: consente agli altri di costruire sul tuo lavoro!
Fa una passeggiata nei boschi, studia comè buona la natura alla circolarità.
Avviso di licenza
Questo poster è aperto, viene condiviso con la licenza Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. Ciò significa che puoi fare ciò che ti piace anche stampare e vendere - per favore - fintanto che lasci questa osservazione qui. | Il poster è stato creato dai membri della comunità Open Source Circular Economy Days (OSCEdays): Lars2i, RicardoRug, sharmarval, Jan_D, transitionmaike, cameraliber e jo_stiego. Il disegno della prima versione è stato fatto da Lars2i. | Scarica il poster per modificarlo, tradurlo o stamparlo qui:
Ok. Here is a new draft for the design and my final version. This is the best I could do for now (as I am not a designer). Happy about remixes or improvements.
If you want to create a translation or create a new design feel free - please do so. Please upload your translated versions or new designs as PDF and also in an editable format below in a comment.
There will be a website with a collection of versions and translations here soon.
I got some feedback for the design and improvements were made. I will fit all translations that were already posted into the new design and integrate it in the final Poster-Download-Page.
Hey. After A Printing Test A Redesign was done. Vs. 1.5 is now in OSCEdays colors. I changed all translations to the new design except Georgian because my computer did not had those letters. :-/
@Lars2i I’m printing this today. I assume that it’s already a high quality print file and I don’t need to do anything else to it? Nevermind, I found the print quality one.
Cool. Just about an hour ago I heard that ppl. in Hamburg print a larger number of it and spread it across the city. @sharmarval pls take a picture once its up somewhere and share it here. Would be great.