Meeting on Skype (Google hangout as back-up, link will be posted here).
Please confirm participation @BoST
Moderator _Sam
Scribe _Silvia
People in the call: @JuliaP @cameralibre @Lars2i and Silvia
Election of new BoST
Process, number of people, roles and timeline
Current BoST will be asked to choose if they want so stay
New BoST members should be able to commit time and other resources to OSCE
Lars will send an e-mail asking for a yes/no answer
People who answer yes are asked to offer two roles for themselves, matching what they are good at and what they like to do
Example: Communications, Education, Operations, Infrastructure, Funding, Partnerships
Deadline for new BoST: 30 Sep 2016
2 . Defining OSCEdays
First task of new BoST
Lars will compile a list of proposals containing the building blocks of the future community/organization
OSCEdays 2017 will happen
Note: Local events are much easier to fund and define
For 2017 we will use Berlin as a benchmark
Open Source Circular Economy must be the main theme of each event
3. Flagship projects
Gien’s proposal - to follow-up at the next meeting or online
Others: Sam is working on the animation project
OSCEDays 2016 summary = work in progress
We want to reward people for their work by sharing the content of all local events with the OSCEdays community
The summary will provide the basis of flagship projects selection
Will help us prepare the main challenges for 2017
4 DIF collaboration
Sam will prepare a draft proposal for discussion at the next BoST meeting
Silvia will e-mail Joe to confirm that we will send a proposal by mid-September
We will attend if funding and logistics are provided by DIF
5 Physical meeting
Agree to do it, organizer, when, where
Yes, we will meet in person 21 - 24 October 2016 in Berlin
We need an organizer.