This is the READ ME FIRST for the global OSCEdays. It tells you what the OSCEdays are, who it is and how and where you can get involved.
What Is OSCEdays?
The OSCEdays is an open network with the goal to explore the Open Source Circular Economy. It started at the beginning of 2015. The first achievement was a global event with 33 cities participating from June 11-15 2015 and the creation of a web platform.
From there the work continues to develop a global community and actions for an Open Source based Circular Economy.
The overall objective is to stimulate a debate and practical action towards a Circular Economy build with Open Source methodologies.
The OSCEdays Board Of Stewardship
The OSCEdays are guided by a Board of Stewardship (BoST) – an open international group of people using a transparent workflow to develop the OSCEdays. You can join this group at any given moment. Learn more about the BoST, how it works and how to join it HERE.
Scroll down for more Ways To Join
How To Join:
This are the main ways at the moment:
1. Join the Board of Stewardship – BoST To-Do-List
Join the Board Of Stewardship. The board has a public TO-DO-LIST – there you can study what is to do, sign up to help and also add new ideas to the OSCEdays.
The transparent collaboration of the BoST happens in the blue categories of this forum.
2. Engage In Online Collaboration (How we Work)
Almost all work happens transparently here in the forum. Here is a Blogpost explaining why and how. (Only exceptions are some sponsorship discussions about potential sponsors without their agreement to go public and of course personal data.) So start to read the forum and contribute to the discussions. Every voice is welcome.
Here is a SELECTION of things you can do & contribute: Become An ACTION protocol author | Add a local event | Write a Blogpost for the OSCEdays Blog | Help to maintain the platform | Post Feedback or Questions regarding OSCEdays.
Do you have other ideas? Post It Here | Or Write An Email
*This READ ME was last updated in December, 2017 by @Lars2i. You can see earlier versions of it by clicking on the Pencil Icon on the top right of the topic.