Connecting modules for a circular food-sanitation-agriculture-system

For the OSCEdays 2017 we want to connect the community around the nutrient cycle which includes

FOOD: growing, harvesting, storing, transporting, preserving, preparing, biochar production, distributing
WATER: harvesting, purifying, hygienization, storing, distributing
RECYCLING: sanitation, hygienization, composting, methanization, storing, transporting, fertilizing

During the 2nd DocuDays on 8./9. April and the following weeks we invite as many existing projects as possible to contribute their manuals and other documentation to the community by the middle of May. This way each participating city will have a chance to choose from the pool of projects. During the actual OSCEdays this year these can then be built, adapted and iterated during the hackathon to start creating a pool of instructions that are ready to become a circular economy around some of the most basic needs: good soils, food, water, energy and sanitation.

These challenges, actions, projects and ideas have appeared in the forum so far. Please let us know if you have been part of one of them and would be interested in joining the shared effort this year. If you find any more or know of Open Source projetcs and instructions that are not documented here, please add them.

Food Production/ Agriculture


Nutrient Recycling

Communication/ Education

Water/ Water Recycling/ Water Protection


Links on the web:##

rocket stove/ wood gas stove

General principles

rocket or Hobo stove (simple, less efficient)

wood gasifier stove (more complex and efficient, produces biochar for terra preta)

EN manual on different types for different materials:

water harvesting& storage/ water purifier/ sewage treatment systems

Overview (why, general how-to, safety issues):

water harvesting and storage:

water purifier (to make drinking water):

sewage treatment (to clean up used water before releasing it into the environment)

sewage from household use

toilet sewage

methanization/ food waste fermentation/ biogas

aqua- and pee-ponics

plant containers

bee hive

composting, terra preta, fly composting and worm composting


terra preta/ Bokashi
make bio-char from natural burnables with wood gasifier stove (see above)

fly composting

worm composting

food fermentation

beer brewing

  • EN basics of beer brewing and beer recipies: DIY Dog Brewery (pdf document, 101 mb size)

juice making


This topic is a wiki now, please feel free to edit.

@jo_stigo @Lars2i @transitionmica @Clemens @Minh_Thy_Nguyen_Ngoc @friederike @RicardoRug @mchlschuster @pmackay @Signe @chrstoph @Julian @Gien @Tinou_de_Manioc @cameralibre @jbonvoisin @Sam_Watterson @seigorobinson @nicustasia @Oona @katjasch @GSchkolnik @Silvia @goal12 @Yox @federico @Justine @kyliek @TechnicalNature @nico.herrmann @unteem

let’s get together for the next docu-days on 8./9. April and find out how we can collaborate to create a cricular system from our various activities.


@Rieul_Techer @Denis @RicardoR @lesmoore @kat @ChrisH @brandonhighland @sharmarval @Bialuz @kmenghini @Shu @mnicnielsen @kisielk @DOnoprienko @EmilyMcGill @Alice_audrey @simonlee @JuliaP @Hannes @E_BioReg @LesUsines_Louise @hazem @mauricio @Lena_F @Maslowest @AgoraCollective @anjaadler @Jason_Selvarajan @jaycousins @lu_cyP @dax @philipp @tou2 @Andreas1

let’s get together for the next docu-days on 8./9. April and find out how we can collaborate to create a cricular system from our various activities.


Is anyone here working on the production of PLA bio-polymers in a sustainable manner?

So far I haven’t found anyone, seems like a good new CHALLENGE to post.

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just found one that looks interesting, maybe connect it to the textiles challenges…

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great could you please include them into the list? the topic is a wiki. Are you in contact with these people?

yes, their are students from industrial design. they have to develop this project until friday when they have to document and create all the info to the product can be produced.

Maybe we can get these non-open source projects to share their experience:

Ok, we’ve made a start today, let’s keep going with

  • adding more links to the existing categories
  • new categories, i.e. fungi…

please edit the wiki instead of adding comments if you have links to good instructions (or better than those posted)

they have these cups at the CRCLRlab in Berlin:

they make cups from recycled coffee grinds and biopolymers

for contact here’s their German language website: