OSCEdays' 2nd – DOCU-DAYS - April 8 - 9, 2017

Hi @Lars2i . Sure, It could certainly be extended!

Thinking about it, I guess the best form of ‘documentation’ I’ve come across is accidental in the form of a vibrant community (for example: reddit.com/r/mushroomgrowers) - documentation is certainly part of the goal, but it’s more a side effect of the other processes (asking questions, sharing and critiquing methods, discussing ‘best practices’, etc)

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Yes! that is exactly how I see it. But I think our goal here is to actually inspire people to ask questions - Make them know what they don’t know. Give them an idea where to start, what to think about and if they have questions, where to ask them.

Cool! Thanks @Clement - Do you have any projects on Wikifab you would consider as circular? Can you recommend some?

Great article!

I also never knew that this (warning: nsfw language!) came from the collected poems of Donald Rumsfeld :confused:

Sure, check these projets:


cool documentation on edible skinfood by @transitionmica here on the forum

list with urban gardening and related projects here on the forum. Most of this documentation could be a bit extended.

I have been working on plans for a circular economy ‘wiki’ and case study database for a few years, and wondered if OSCEDays members might be interested in supporting this. Whilst researching my A Circular Economy Handbook for Business and Supply Chains Uploading… https://www.koganpage.com/product/supply-chains-for-a-circular-economy-9780749476755, I created a database to collect good examples, and now have over 400 different ‘stories’ covering different industry sectors and stages of the supply chain from across the world (and lots more waiting in my email inbox!).

Many of these are start-ups and SMEs, which I think is very exciting, proving that (a) it’s viable and (b) you don’t need a big R&D budget. I have discussed the idea with a few organisations, everyone thinks it’s a good idea but no one wanted to ‘own’ it, so I either need to find a suitable backer or try to make it ‘crowd-sourced’.

I don’t want to ‘own’ it, but would like to help develop it, and have my name associated with it. I have invested a lot of time in the research, in thinking about it, and creating a workable database structure so it is easily searchable with (I think) sensible categories to organise the different aspects of ‘circularity’.

The issue with the existing sites (including Circulate, EMF, Circular Economy Club, consultant sites etc) is that they are not easily searchable, and focus on big corporate stories. My vision is for something that helps answer the question “what can I do with xxxx waste” or “what examples are there in YY sector, for this kind of product, etc”. A kind of global ‘one stop shop’ for the circular economy. It could have links to case studies etc on other websites, but crucially contain all the key data in one place to make it easier to search. It could also be linked to the detail design documentation from these ‘Docu-Days’

A critical point for me is that it should be open-sourced, to ensure credibility, transparency and trust. There may need to be a small user fee to fund the platform and verification/maintenance (though ideally it would be funded through grants, corporate supporters etc), but users should be able to load their own data, and comment/flag up any issues with their own or other companies data. I’ve got further ideas on those aspects.

I have experience in building a comprehensive knowledge share platform in my role at DHL Supply Chain for our sales and operations teams, with a detailed ‘services’ database.

What do you think…???

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@cjweetman Hi, that sounds really good.

Maybe we can brainstorm about your project and how you could go about it at the ‘docu days?’ Do you have time to join a video call or text chat this weekend? I would love to brainstorm it and learn more about what you already have.

Myself and @huelfe have written an application to get a grant to make this happen - the IPO tables project is about a simple search engine and documentation format for circular economy solutions. If we are lucky and can work on it maybe some synergies can be found. Would be fantastic.

Hi Lars and @huelfe

Thanks for your message, yes it would be great to chat and explore it further. I am pretty flexible this weekend (haven’t looked to see what else is scheduled for DocuDays).


Cool. The Agenda - links to text chat and times for video meetings will be posted in the coming days. I’ll ping you so you’ll get a notification.

Looking forward to meet you and hear more about your ideas.

Update Links are posted now; ping @cjweetman

We developed a circular and modular toy kit for children. I am working on a documentation of it right now. Image is a teaser.

It is made of

  • nuts and bolts
  • wire
  • beads from wood and glass
  • you are allowed to cut all kinds of paper to combine it with the rest.

Update Some more pictures uploaded. Website will follow.

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We’re going to surf the web today for cool information, documentation and instructions on

  • rocket/hobo and wood gas stoves
  • water colelction, water purifiers, water treatment systems
  • micro-methanization
  • aqua- and pee-ponics
  • plant boxes
  • bee hives
  • composting, terra preta, fly composting and worm composting
  • food fermentation
  • beer brewing
  • juice making

We will document our finds here: Connecting modules for a circular food-sanitation-agriculture-system

Please look in, comment and add whatever you know about these technologies

@Lars2i when and where do we start the chat?

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chat is open. https://riot.im/app/#/room/#oscedays1stdj:matrix.org

In two hours is a video meeting for those interested. See you there maybe.

Hi @goal12 @transitionmica + Belindas colleague. It was so nice chatting for you - for 90 min! I learned a lot. Next time we do the recording at the end of the wrap up session. So many interesting ideas and information could have been part of the recording. Next time :slight_smile:

Anyway. Here is the video.

And thanks for the great hints how to improve OHO. (Come up with something to make the figures stand by themselves)

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And the documentation of the workshop is also finished. http://mifactori.de/oho-doppelgaengerwelt-workshop/

@Lars2i @transitionmica Here is the start to the Food Systems Lab documentation project. By the next DOCU-DAYS, there will be more!

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Hi @goal12 This looks really good! Do you mind if we transfer it to the “Food” Category? There it is probably easier to find for circular food enthusiasts. You can link to it from the Toronto category.

Yes, that is a good idea. Please move it over, thanks!

Hi, I’ve been working on similar - slightly more focused on social/community organisations. There may be potential for combining and enhancing? May be worth a Skype call?