[BoST Call March 19, 7 pm GMT] - 2018 - PLAN Call #3

Open Conference Call of the OSCEdays Board Of Stewardship
Minimum quorum: 3
Duration: 90 minutes

Please confirm your participation @BoST

Moderator: @Seigo

1 Introduction Round

How is everybody?
Are there new people? Let’s have a quick introduction round.
Reminder of roles and tasks: TO DO LIST
Note: We have to update the roles and tasks as soon as possible.

Lars has been working hard to document the tasks he has been handling. Please check all the roles he has been fulfilling and pick up the ones you can handle. Make changes in the TO DO list.

2 Water Hackathon Project @Gien
How did it go?
Lessons learned.
Highlights from current sub-projects

3 Funding Campaign & Legal Status @Qing
Any updates?

4 Agenda for PLAN call on April 23

Participants: Seigo, Qing, Ricardo, Gien, (Maike)

1 Introduction Round
All well.

2 Water Hackathon Project
Gien: got on 5 radio interview. Was a bit rushed to get the OSCEdays setup as the platform had some issues - thus didn’t get as many teams setup as hoped. Resulted in one big group rather than many teams.

Learnings: Need to get global teams setup 2-3 weeks before and start chatting. Then ready to run on the first day.

Chaos Pilot (Switzerland) School – they go around the world to do high impact projects. They liked the hackathon so they are happy to work with. 7 college students – keen to facilitate the next hackathon event.

Want to keep the momentum going and real impacts for June would be great. Swedish group created an app – chat bots solution, got commended by wide group of people. Ricardo has been contributing a lot too.

Ricardo met with an architecture design professor. There is a possibility to work with students (PhD or Masters students). They’d like to know a bit more information on the Hackathon – how they can participate/contribute (@RicardoRug and @Gien) to coordinate on this. Also going to meet Colombian people to contribute.

Ian + partner want to get a group to have another working group to bring all the complex systems data to generate a policy paper to give to government and look at things more holistic perspective.
Olivier from Just Diggit – trying to get a $60m project to re-establish a hydrological corridor in Cape Town area (20,000km2).

Gien is personally working on natural wood water purifier – using a thin piece of wood, burning one side 2mm, with a tent over it – evaporate and condense 11l / m3 of air. Based on scientific paper. Lowest cost water purifier in the world! Using a blue gum wood which is an invasive tree in South Africa.

3 Funding Campaign & Legal Status
@Qing has pushed on. Association is ready to start tomorrow have 8-9 ppl (need 7 to start). Going for large funding pot for 3 years running of OSCEdays.

4 Agenda for PLAN call on April 23
New association, Ricardo’s video, feedback from Mozilla

5 Any other business
Mozilla programme
Looking like the programme is not quite fit for purpose for OSCEdays. It is more aligned to developer-types looking to do a sprint to create their first product/platform/website rather than for us who may be looking for solutions for our existing platform. Will write to our mentor to ask how best to integrate with the programme going forward (also rather time-consuming and difficult for continuity when each of us dips in and out).

ENVIENTA platform

Gabor joined us for a portion of the call to describe his offer.

Gabor: can develop OSCEdays dedicated website to ENVIENTA platform (already have something here: Oscedays.envienta.org. Use as a file repository. Co-create blueprints. If OSCEdays want to change service provider, theirs is stable (ref. our recent drop-out). His team is developing ENVIENTA platform for open source hardware development. For maker spaces and token-ize to monitor the usage of assets. ENVIENTA will have a crowd-funding element to finance projects. Can find a manufacturer/distributor and customer through it too.

Aiming to ICO soon i.e. cryptocurrency around open source hardware – 40% go to investment of maker spaces around the world.

Still developing: had some code developed but person left. Now third time they have started to develop. Now got a better team. Now need ICO and investment. Timeline could be the end of this year, certainly not before summer so not fully up and ready for OSCEdays 2018 event.

Want feedback from our community – what do they want, what file formats, etc. - to know what to develop. OSCEdays community could be good for this - do surveys?

Gabor would need statistics in terms of traffic etc. to calculate how much resource OSCEdays would require.

Ricardo: Perhaps we can run a pilot? Perhaps for June event on beta version of site?