Open Conference Call of the OSCEdays Board Of Stewardship
Minimum quorum: 3
Duration: 90 minutes
Please confirm your participation @BoST
Moderator: Silvia
Scribe: Silvia
Participants: Qing, Maike, Gien
1 Introduction Round
How is everybody?
Are there new people? Let’s have a quick introduction round.
Reminder of roles and tasks: TO DO LIST
Note: We have to update the roles and tasks as soon as possible.
Qing and Maike had a very productive and comprehensive review of the community’s past and future. They will post the content of this review on the forum, but here are some highlights:
- we need a stable structure and a wider participation, the formal Association should solve that
- restart the Open Source Documentation to facilitate event organization, reduce admin work, have a checklist and make it easier to document event outcomes for all local teams
- be able to articulate and communicate how OSCEdays differentiates itself from similar communities/organizations while pursuing the same change goals
- make sure we prioritize the social aspect and intent of OSCEdays as opposed of technological ones
- start short interviews (e.g 5 standard questions) with local organizers, teams and/or collaborators, some of whom travel between their city of residence and another OSCEdays city quite often
- we need more and better storytelling to be posted on the forum and on the website
- it would be great to organize local physical meetings, a monthly potluck, for community building and more constant interaction between local OSCEdays members and others
2 Schedule and content of future BoST calls
This is the last call scheduled call in advance under About, Meetings…
Before I schedule the next 3 months, I would like us to agree on changes:
I suggest that we get back to general calls, the DO and PLAN are difficult to manage. We lose track of ongoing actions and many topics/tasks overlap. We can schedule PLAN calls on demand, when necessary
Do we still need a call every two weeks? Do we need to change the time? The number of participants is getting smaller and smaller. Once per month and later than 7 pm GMT would be fine for me.
Standard agenda: topics that are always on the call, e.g. TO DO LIST, Open Actions, Agenda for Next Call
We agreed with the proposed changes, including the standard agenda. We will have monthly general calls on the first Monday at 7 pm GMT. The next call is an exception to the first Monday rule. When a PLAN call or an urgent matter needs to be addressed, please set it up or ask Silvia or Seigo to schedule it. We will test the new schedule for 3 months and change it if it does not work. Qing is concerned that we will lose the much needed direct communication offered by the calls.
3 Update on legal status application
A revised document has been sent by the notary to Maike. She will work with Qing and the others in delivering the updated document to the notary, as soon as possible.
4 Abstract at Leuphana University in Germany due 30 June 2018
Leuphana University
Who wants to work on it? I do.
We decided to go for it. Silvia will start the abstract draft, Maike and Qing will review. They will be ready to present in 2019, if we are selected.
Silvia will also apply for The Engineer C2I awards, will start the application under the assumption that Seigo will be able to gather other members for the UK team. The project used will be the Water Hackathon, under Gien’s stewardship. Deadline: 25 June 2018.
5 Other discussions
Gien updated us on his travel to Vancouver and Amsterdam. He is working on expanding the Water Hackathon in every city, making it a global project, which is his original intent. He mentioned the urban planning boundaries model used by the University of Toronto, Canada.
We also talked about better communication and documentation tools: Zoom, Etherpad.
**6 Agenda for next call on July 9, 7 pm GMT
The Open Source documentation updated by Maike and Qing and the reviw of June events.