[BoST Call, Apr 9, 7 pm GMT] - 2018 - DO Call #4

Open Conference Call of the OSCEdays Board Of Stewardship
Minimum quorum: 3
Duration: 90 minutes

Please confirm your participation @BoST


1 Introduction Round

How is everybody?
Are there new people? Let’s have a quick introduction round.
Reminder of roles and tasks: TO DO List

2 Actions

  • Grant opportunity Resource efficient circular economy - innovative product cycles an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)1 - @Qing is managing the application

  • Short video or videos (using animation and a combination of fun and serious content) to introduce OSCE model and be posted on the main page - @RicardoRug is in charge

    The OSCE diagram will be included in the content of the video

    Did Ricardo receive the necessary feedback so he can finish the video?

3 Update the To Do List for Lars’ roles
Let’s go through the list and add names.

4 Campaign for OSCEdays 2018
Communication - who will work on the newsletter? Must decide today, as the newsletter has to go out before Apr 15
Are we interested in a collaboration with Global Footprint Network?
Other tasks

5 Agenda for next DO call May 7

S: Silvia, M: Mica, N: Nikusha

1. Intro

G: Kaos Pilot is organizing the next leg of the hackathon in Cape Town Fri, Sat. Colleague in Amsterdam also promoted our hackathon at the world’s largest blockchain hackathon
S: Good job
N: We came together and legally founded OSCEdays in Berlin. Interesting discussions
M: I was impressed by the hackathon
M: Qing and I are the officials for the association
N: This is the OSCEdays foundation. I’m on web dev course and planning to use the knowledge to improve OSCEdays. I’ll work on the discourse forum. I’m ready to start but waiting for Lars to syncrhonize. It’s very technical details.
M: I found a notary to start the legal procedure. I have a new project - the circular cafe in the form of a round tiny house with a waterless toilet and coposting units as tow of the four quadrants. I want to thank N for great work. Thanks a lot! Cost was 150 Euros to file.
S: Lars is continuing to help, respond and manage. I saw Lars adding Melbourne. Maybe at some point you can see if you can onboard.
G: I should get a tutorial.
S: He posted two videos “How to add a new city” You can try it next city or let me know if you don’t have time. We should all learn to do this.
Keep track of all expenses so we can share costs.
I was about to speak about OSCEdays at the Engineers conference. I couldn’t speak and sent prez to organizer. She was able to present it easily. Feedback was good. More than 70 in audience. Hopefully we’ll get some people joining.

2 Actions

Grant - let’s skip. Qing is working on it.
Short video - I haven’t seen any comments so far where he has posted picture he wants to use. Is it good idea to dedicate a call to this video?
N: Good idea.
G: Good idea.
S: I’ll check with Ricardo if the next DO call can be used for this.

3 To Do list

Lars is still covering a lot of roles and we must do something about that. I’ll keep on agenda until we deal with it.
M: I spoke to Sylke from Veolia (Garbage disposal company) about maybe getting funding for my cafe idea. More discussion needed.
Deadline is the end of this week
Just the update from my side.
S: If you have time, cover one of Lars jobs, please pick it up
M: I have to focus on getting association up and running

4 Campaign for OSCEdays 2018

S: Who wants to do June newsletter? If nobody wants to do it, I’ll be happy to do it.
I’ll write it up and ask Sharon or Lars to send it out. I don’t know how constant contact works.
Should we emphasize in newsletter to ask previous cities to return?
N: Call all cities, there should be something happening. Guest city taking care of video conference, it would be great if there is some kind of news, update or gathering. Some reason to be active again. Some text to be shared or signed.
S: Sometimes people unsubscribe for list. Sending message in forum asking them to return?
N: We should be able to send them all. If you get newsletter once a year…
M: People tend to react better to a personal letter
S: We should look at the active cities
N: My concern is that if we just plead, that may not be powerful to organize it again.There should be some kind of input in this messaging.
M: How about highlighting the good work they did? Referring to things they have posted. It’s encouraging to see that someone did read what you post
N: What is in this newsletter? What is the content? If they get some kind of update…like it’s an association now. So they can see it’s moving forward.
S: I would only want to announce it once it is registered.
M: Yes, it’s too early to announce. What about the new videos? I like the one with Lars interview with Brazil about the material platform.
S: Should we ask event organizers to share revenue with global organization?
M: Asking in non-personal way is usually not successful. My experience is that nothing comes back. But maybe it’s different here. Sharing works better when they see transparency: who’s responsible for managing the funds? How are they controlled. Maybe we can explain how it’s working now
G: No, not yet. Wait for meeting after the association has been formalized.
S: Explain event date, themes, cities engaged, who they can contact
S: Are we interested in collaboration with Global Footprint Network. i haven’t approached them yet.
It could be an in-kind partnership. They have a good calculator. I still blow up the planet with my simple life. Encourage organizers to use calculator to organize their event. Provide them with data.They have their own analysts.
N: The tech of GFN is interesting too. Any event has a footprint, so can be used for this. Maybe it’s better not to do it?
S: I have this conversation with grassroots organizations. Ie. March in Washington DC. I say we don’t do it in Washington because it’s polluting. People still don’t get it.

5 Agenda for next DO
S: Ricardo’s video or planning for June
In May, plan for next 3 months. With association, we’ll need more focus.

N: I checked discourse. Forum was scary. Very complicated.It was not welcoming. When I meet Lars, I want to refresh his opinions. Can you check discourse demo:

Compare the demo with ours.
G: Our is more complex compared to the demo
S: We need to decide if we want to delete stuff. Chats. and what is worth archiving. How do convince people that they should first look before they add a new one. Most of the chaos is caused by redundancy. We need to get rid of a lot of content. Sharon did an analysis.Look at Lars, Sharon and Sam’s work.

My Veolia Topic belongs into the intro-round.

On the topic of changing the discourse design: