We’re planning several documentations. And there are a lot of tasks. If you want to volunteer for one of it, raise your hands (post a comment for example):
##1 event docu: videos
short videos (10-30sec) with event participants, put all videos into website, need to think of simple questions to trigger catchy responses (statements)
- Who will do the videos?
- Where will they be uploaded? (And who will do it)?
- What are good questions to ask?
##2 event docu: photos
we’ll organize some photographers to make photos
INFO: Last year a lot of people like Carla and @Timm and many more tool pictures and uploaded them to the cloud. So we had a lot of pictures. Something like this will be good to have again this year. But we need someone who will have a look at all the pictures and curates them.
- Who will take pictures?
- Where will they be uploaded (we have to ask Sam)?
- Who will curate them and make a list with pictures available?
- Who will coordinate the photographers - make sure, all the pictures are available whenever possible under open licenses!
##3 event docu: artistic documentation
we’ll work with some artists to create some form of event docu and booklet in printed form
- Who will be the artists?
- Who will coordinate them?
##4 challenge docu - template
we need to think of a standardized template how to visualize challenge results (online vs paper; methodologies, etc.) so each challenge has some guidance how they can documentate
- When will we develop the template? We need to build a team for this and have a team meeting.
##5 survey?
Do we want to have a survey to pass around under participants?
##6 exhibition
We had the idea to create an exhibition for sunday where all challenges can present some results. We want to ask Simon from Open State if we can borrow their XYZ Cubes for that and if Simon wants to become the “Cube Master” - Help the challenges to come up with a good idea for their presentations and arrange the different cubes in the end. All challengers would get their cube officially handed over (as “responsibility”) in the morning assembly.
- @Lars2i will ask Simon from Open State in the coming days and arrange everything to make sure this exhibition is build over time during the event.
UPDATE: I had a chat with Till Wolfer about the Cubes - we can’t have them, unfortunately. So we need a new solution.