Present were: @transitionmaike , @Qing
1. Organisational
- charity status (Geminnützigkeit): Maike
- account (which bank?): We suggest using this one: . Qing + set up Paypal-account connected to it Maike
- finances: membership fee: starting January 2019, mail to all founding members asking to transfer 25 Euros/ year as soon as we have an account Qing
- finances: transfer of funds Maike contact through BoSt
- finances: accounting (software: Maike asks a lawyer friend who works with associations, Tax accountant every 3 years? Qing asks around to find a god one and how much this service costs):
current income:
- Membership fee 8x 25 Euros= 200 Euros
- transfer of remaining funds ?? Euros
current expenses:
- registration 75 Euros
- Notary ?? Euros
- accounting software 50 Euros??
- tax accountant ?? Euros
- platform hosting: 480/year with DigitalOcean (Lars cancelled it - @Lars2i No, I did not. It runs. But is expensive ), free with Greenhost
- Insurances? Which ones do we need? How much are they? (e.g. liability = Vereinshaftpflicht ca. 200 Euro) Maike will ask her friend (
- application form: Maike
- translation of statutes: Maike
- Member list as protected file on the server: Maike
- Business cards for BoSt and heads of local teams. @transitionmaike made a template:
2. Platform:
- tansfer of data and mail-adresses from to a new server: ask @huelfe
- set up a back-up server through ReUse to store our data ( independently of our webhost
- technical support: find sponsor to fund an IT-professional ??
- re-launch: making the platform ( more accessible: apply for funding to pay a professional, form a website-team/ new thread in BoSt-section
- financing technical support and re-launch: fundraising??
3. Role of the association
- international coordination, funding, accounting? Which roles will the association take on? Put on BoSt agenda for January
- create a list of contact people for local teams (and keep it updated)
- keep the platform running and up-to-date
- support local teams in event organisation (open source guide to organizing circular events)
- provide information templates for local fundraising (business card, leaflet/ text modules)
- branding: who can use the label OSCE?
- calendar: document which projects are currently going on/are being planned and where
- keep an expert list for different countries (OSCE-abassadors) on specific topics and for OSCE in general, so they can represent OSCE and challenges for the circular future on conference/ media contacts etc. locally WITHOUT having to fly around the globe
- where do people share their documentation? Can we host them and provide infrastructure for it (Domain currently hosted by Indiehoster)? Or should they only share links to their own website (which might be outdates and broken soon, frustrating people who are looking for information)?
- How should we raise money for the technical infrastructure/ forum hosting? Local teams pay a free (sponsoring rate/ normal rate/ reduced rate)? Or sponsors (Which ones)?
- can we have international members of the association (non-EU)? Maike will ask her friend