OSCE 101 for http://circulatenews.org

I’ve been in touch with Joe Iles from Ellen MacArthur about an article about OSCEdays in Circulate - he suggested that we could write a basic intro to the concept now, and then they could do a piece with interviews/perspectives from different participants nearer to the event.

I’m happy to coordinate/write the article, but I’d like input from others (and if anyone else wants to work with me on it, great!)

I asked him:
Regarding Circulate readers, am I right in assuming that they tend to have a broad understanding of the Circular Economy concept, but the relevance of Open Source is likely to be pretty new to a lot of them?

and he replied:
You are spot on with your assessment of the audience. Circulate has been around for about 9 months, and in that time we’ve covered circular economy basics quite well…in 2016 we’re looking forward to exploring more nuanced interpretations, big picture/philosophical and divergent viewpoints. So this topic fits the bill. They may be familiar with Open Source, but not grasp the significance or benefits in incorporating this into the transition to a circular economy.

What do you think are the key points to get across for the Circulate readership?

@Gien @Jaime @Lars2i @sharmarval @Silvia @TechnicalNature and anyone else who might have an opinion, please share!

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Happy to help to collect interviews/perspectives from different participants. It will actually be quite interesting for us too. On the writing part, other than giving feedbacks I’ll pass

That’s some good timing.

Just started working on the press release today. Wanted to let it sit for a day or two to mature, but since you are already at it, it may help.

Here it is.

In the first page is the press release, and in the second one the key takeaways I have distilled from Making societies article from last year.

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great, it’s a good start - I have to run now but I will go through it more carefully tomorrow - one thing I noticed is that it looks like Lars and I are the two co-founders of OSCEdays, which is not the case! you can say we are some of the initiators, or part of the organising team :slight_smile:
nice work!

Wanted to run by you first :wink:

It’s a first draft, so you can edit, change or comment whatever you feel like. I admit I have taken some creative licences with the attributions : )

Hi @cameralibre I’m happy to help with the writing if you want to do a first draft I can run through it then?

Also @Jaime great work on the press release…I’ve made a few comments and will try to find the one from last year to look at too. I think we can make the benefits for people to get involved more obvious eg. global collaborations, global network, creative input on project ideas, global audience…fun! :wink:

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Also, are we tracking where we send the press release to? I’m going to send over to Circle Economy in Amsterdam once finished.

Yes, Sharon, in the file called OSCE media contacts on Google drive. I hope you have access to it, if not let me know. I gave you access through your gmail.

Take care, Silvia

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Thanks @Silvia I see it now!

@cameralibre What’s your status on it? As mentioned I can help to collect interviews from last year participants if needed. Do you have something in mind or already done or do you want me to think of a couple of questions and start collecting answers.
Also do you know how long/short it has to be?

well, knowing the reactions that the open source idea ALWAYS gets from (non-tech) corporate audiences, we need to include a few points directly addressing the usual criticisms:

  • you can’t make money with it
  • it’s just a hobby
  • people need to be rewarded for their hard work and innovation, so… PATENTS.

I still need to formulate this better, but the points I want to make from a business perspective are:

1. Of course people are sceptical! - 30 years ago when most CEOs learned ‘how the world works’, there was no way to collaborate effectively with unknown others, no way to ensure trust, no tools for distributed collaboration, no population of networked, engaged individuals and organizations, no open source business models.
But the world has changed, the old rules are no longer relevant.:example, example, example, example.

2. Open source knocks out incumbents, breaks monopolies and gives new or smaller entrants a leg up.
Eg. Everyone using Linux to take down Microsoft in the server market and dominate the mobile market, Facebook’s Open Compute in data centers, Tesla’s ‘open patents’ approach to electric vehicles. If your industry is locked in the embrace of a dominant company, chances are that a shared open source infrastructure can open it up and make more companies competitive and innovative. if you currently have a monopoly, you can’t sit on your laurels for too long, the Linux of your industry will be hard to stop. If you get in early, you may learn to diversify your business model and use your existing capital and economies of scale to stay agile and relevant even in an environment where many other companies can more effectively challenge you.

3. For best results, release early, & design for collaboration. We’re not just talking about putting new licenses on the same old products - in order to get the best out of open source development, projects should be designed with collaboration in mind from the start, with others brought in early in order to effectively mutualize costs, while allowing each company and individual to use the common project for their unique needs or business model.

I will re-write a summary of our mission statement to go with this (before the business part, I guess?)

and then finish with a paragraph saying ‘and by the way if you’re curious or you want to get involved, there’s this OSCEdays thing, here’s the link’. There will be all sorts of cool people there - startups! makers! innovation! green tech! industry 4.0! blockchain! internet of other people’s things! buzzwords!

It should only be about 1200 words though.

For participant quotes I think we can leave that for a second article - the days themselves won’t be too much a part of this initial piece, as it’s meant to be more about the theory.

Hey @cameralibre,

I made an article that may be able to help you tackle the money issue.

Feel free to use it if it can be of any inspiration.

@cameralibre ping me if you want input on this! Don’t know if I’m too late already.