How about applying the Zero Waste Event guidelines to the OSCE Days in Berlin and ideally in all cities?
Festivals and conferences create an insane amount of waste. It’s important
ensure that during the 5 days we will actually make our best to reduce the amont of solid waste, and raise awarness on site.
Waste reduction can be applied to differents aspects of the organisation (material used during workshops, catering, communication …)
We can brainstorm together to identify for each aspects how can we reduce the amount of waste and the alternative that be implemented as substitute.
Here there are already some useful and easy to implement tipps:
Create a Zero Waste Event Guideline
it can be published in severals languages on the OSCE days website, sent in the newsletters and sent as reminder with the participants confirmation
Provide only reusable plates and cups
Plan in advance the number of participant to manage food supply accordingly to minimise food left overs
Limit flyers, billboard, and encourage our partners to do so
Waste reclycing:
Create userfriendly signages for waste sorting
Find local partner for waste recovery
Organise a material library during the event
Organisation on site / logistic
Rental of furniture and technical equipment
Collect used badges from participants
Dry toilets
Make sure to transform materials from the OSCE days into materials for future events.
Elaborate a waste reporting to track waste flow and measure the improvements
(this can be part of the documentation work after the event)
Sorry for being very slow to reply to this - do you know if there are already existing resources which we can link to or adapt, so that local organizers can just ‘download the zero waste kit’ or something similar?
Have you been in touch with the Zero Waste France team already?
They might have somebody who is interested in working with you on this. I think it’s a really good idea and it would be a great pre-event challenge as well as (obviously) something to work on during the days themselves.
yes i ve contacted Flore, Leana and Pauline from Zero Waste France. We are planning a Skype or Hangout either on Friday or next week.
I ll post the final date for the call here if someone wants to join.
We will discuss about the guide , the potential partnership for waste recovery, communication and the creation of signages.
one of the main topic for the Zero Waste Event organisation is communication for everyone to understand: why we do it and how we do it.
We need to adapt the waste sorting signages, and the "Zero Waste explanatory board "that we will have on site during the 5 days adapted to the OSCE days visual identity.
This will be shared to all host cities so we all can use the same tool.
Shall we meet one afternoon and prepare it? How about Saturday 12th or Saturday 19 March? @OTTILIE when would be available ?
Anyone else wants to join?
I’ve got a few resources which are all Western Canada based (since that’s what I know best), but could be a start. There are lots of zero waste event guides out there. Localized guide examples: Vancouver Esquimalt Sunshine Coast Regional District
Hier is the first draft of the Zero waste Tutorial which is a summary of the excellent Seventh Generation (Thank you ! @goal12)
What needs to be added:
Better description of ambassador role
A first infogarphic page describing the Zero Waste Event Approach
The reporting doc to assess the waste divertion rate
Chek list
Example of educational signs for zero waste awareness
I like downloadable things - .doc is good. or .odt - But with .doc you can be sure, it can be opened and edited by almost everyone, because Libre Office and MSWord can handle it.
Hi @friederike
I think directly on the first day for the oppening on Thrusday morning. I guess I need just 15 min to explain the all approach.
What do you think?
@Justine Yes thats great. i think it would be better to do it Friday morning though, is that okay? Thursday the opening ceremony starts in the afternoon.
Hi @Justine - finally took a look at the doc. Great work!
I think in order to be able to announce it to the global community we should have a topic for it in the forum?
Could you create a new Topic called: OSCEdays Zero Waste Event Tutorial - And copy the text you already created into it? I can help a bit with the editing and formating. Soon as it is done we can put the word out.