OpenHack result - Help With Water

During OpenHack there was one team that worked on the problem of locating vulnerable people after Day Zero. This is what they wrote and their resulting devpost and github repo.

What it does
We have build a needs identifying and action dispatching system. Our focus has been to be as inclusive as possible. The base line is to use a text messaging UI (SMS) for reporting needs. We have also implemented a mobile web page for the same information posting.

On the other end we have built a web app to get an overview and to dispatch volunteer that want to help out.

How we built it
We set up a node.js bacend communicating with a SMS gateway (twilio) for identifying needs. This data is send to a Google Spreadsheet where a translation from street to coordinates is done.

The overview-fronted fetches the data from the Google Spreadsheet and displays it in a leaflet.js slippymap with a heatmap layer.


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Big shout out to the Swedish team!

@endprogresstraps, @William, @Cindy, @water_boy, @RicardoRug, @Gabor