We want to run a small local event here in Berlin – from November 26-27 - to take part in the global lab and connect people from Berlin to the global DIF audience & OSCEdays community.
Our first meeting to plan the local event will happen this Thursday – October 20 – 19:30 at the:
Transition Büro
Brehmestraße 6 Bell: “Büro”, 3rd floor it’s the street parallel to the railline (on the Pankow side)
S Wollankstraße
Baumhaus (great: hosts are very interested and would be involved and excited=advertise the event, BUT we need to oganise money e.g. Böll Stiftung or crowdfunding)
Green Alley (potential, may fit, we don’t know them yet, might be a good partner for the future)
Wigwam (potential, may fit, we don’t know them yet, might be a good partner for the future)
Wikimedia (free and easy to get BUT not such a welcoming atmosphere, very cold light, host would not be involved, only for formal meetings)
ThinkFarm (not good, host not involved, only for meetings)
Nachbarschaftshaus Teutoburger Platz: have nice space and workshop BUT it’s usually busy already and space is limited Decision: We’ll have decentralised event, several locations throughout the 3 weeks, try to pay for Baumhaus and find one place for press event for the policy paper presentation (ideally Rathaus)
We spoke about the ACTIONS: @Lars2i does an ACTION on sharing in Schwäbisch Gmünd (@Bluees will join him with a skype talk on *Leila sharing shop) @transitionmaike will prepare the “Edible Pankow” policy paper als an experiment to develop an ACTION protocol for writing a policy paper
Next steps @transitionmaike check about funding options from Böll and the option to get the Rathaus @transitionmaike and @Lars2i will work on the ACTION Protocol for the food policy paper to improve the structure and clarify phrasing @Bluees checks availability at the community centre @Lars2i will look into Green Alley and Wigwam: does this really fit? @Lars2i will finish the website @FransPrins will look into Impact Hub as a potential partner @FransPrins will set up a facebook event @Lars2i and @FransPrins will look into the crowdfunding capaign option @Lars2i is producing an explanation video for the OSCE forum
The actual DIF starts on the 7.11.
Next meeting sometime before that.