Hi everyone,
Please review this draft for the Facebook group. I want to post by tomorrow at latest:
We hope all of you are doing well, and working successfully towards a sustainable, open, happy world. This year, we have all heard to increasingly dire warnings about climate change. We all know that our environment is in a major crisis. Just this month, scientists have announced that carbon dioxide has reached levels in our atmosphere not seen in 3 million years. Society is undergoing seismic shifts towards a different kind of economy that does not ravage nature and gives it time to heal. An Open Source Circular Economy has a significant role to play in healing our planet.
OSCE stands for Open Source Circular Economy, Let’s break down what that means. First, an Open Source economy is one where knowledge is transparent and shared. A Circular Economy is one that circulates resources used in material production endlessly to avoid waste and mining of raw virgin resources. Without sharing knowledge openly, it will be difficult to identify if one waste stream has the right resource profile to be used as feedstock in another production stream. OSCEdays is an education event that educates society on the benefits of the combination of an Open Source and Circular Economy.
IT IS TIME TO GET YOUR LOCAL TEAM READY for OSCEdays 2019. Our fifth global event will take place JUNE 7 - 17th 2019! This year’s invitation comes late as we’ve been busy restructuring our organization to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world. It’s great if you can organize a local event on short notice (go here for instructions), but if not, we’ve created an alternative easy-to-participate, global campaign called HACK THE CITY.
Go to our website by clicking here to find out how
Too busy or too short notice to organize an event? Then participate in this years global theme: hack the city! Cities are responsible for the majority of global impacts and emissions. This year, there is a sense of urgency as humanity continues on an unsustainable trajectory. On May 13, scientists at the Mauna Loa research station announced that atmospheric CO2 levels have reached 415 ppm, not seen in 3 million years (Science Advances)! Our response is to STAND UP & HACK OR TRANSFORM OUR CITIES into the physical and virtual spaces from which sustainable solutions will radiate towards regions, countries, the whole planet. The June event motto is The City is Open Source. We invite you to look at the place you live, and ask: How circular is it? answer questions such as:
What if the city was a farm to feed us?
Could citizens create a holistic waste / food / agriculture cycle?
What if the city was a café (or any other social space)?
Can citizen’s play a role in rapidly reducing plastic pollution?
What if the city was …?
Share your insight or hack with the rest of the world on twitter with these hashtags:
or share your ideas on our FB group:
Let’s see if we can adopt and cross pollinate good solutions to all our participating cities!
Of course feel free to choose your own activity to work on and your own dates, if June is not feasible. However please make sure you share and document as much as you can as it is essential to our community’s mission 
Please continue to use our forum - if you need help, there is always someone ready to answer!
Have fun, do good work and see you all in June.
Maike, Julia, Qing, Silvia, Gien, Mike, Ricardo