Who are we / Wer sind wir?
Hello World, as a promoter of economic development we (Berlin Partner for Business and Technology) are always interested in new technologies, materials and /or even new ways of thinking. In the light of scarce resources and a growing population the circular economy is obligatory and, in our understanding, must be implemented in every business. To foster the regions development and establish a lighthouse character for the world we support companies, investors and scientific institutions who think out of the box for social and environmental responsibility. Therefore we would like to offer a cross cluster workshop mixing up bioeconomy and circular economy topics in a smart cities context.
What will we do / Was werden wir machen?
To connect visions with reality we offer a 5h workshop. Within the first session around 10 bio/circular economy entrepreneurs/businesses share their thoughts and products. Every business has 10 minutes to present their work and afterwards, session two will begin. The second part of the workshop will deal with the evaluation of potentials, problems and new ideas to promote circular economy in the region followed by the third part of the workshop. “Forced connections” and new brainstorming networks will be established for interactions which might not be thought of before. Last but not least, all interaction will be presented.
Time, Place & Supplies / Zeit, Ort und Ausstattung
The event is terminated from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and is located at the Green Garage on the EUREF-Campus Berlin:
EUREF-Campus, Green Garage
Torgauer Str. 15a
Berlin, 10829 Deutschland
Contact / Kontakt
Ullrich Stein
Berlin Partner fĂĽr Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH
Projektmanager Biotech I Pharma
Hannes Lebert
Berlin Partner fĂĽr Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH
Projektmanager Energietechnik
Clean Technologies
Sibylle Kubale
Berlin Partner fĂĽr Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH
Projektmanagerin Smart Cities
Open Resources / Offenes Wissen
Image: By Eva Decker (University Freiburg, AG Reski Ralf Reski) CC BY-SA 1.0, via Wikimedia Commons