Follow up osce days

Hello there,

I participated to the OSCE Days in France :

  • Build a prototype of worm composter in jerrycans and started to think about a new open source design for bigger version
  • Wrote article about best practie to fight against foodwaste in school canteens
  • studied the amount of waste locally

I really would like to do a follow up and go deeper in France and in Berlin with you @transitionmica @Lars2i @sophia.
I’ll be in Berlin from the 21st to the 28th with my intern to organize a Sensecamp which is a gathering of 200 sensemakers . I would like to 2 at least 2 workshops

  • one to solve the challenges of Circular economy entrepreneur on textil or toilets
  • one to discuss about the potential of mixing open source and circular economy , the future of the osce days etc.

Anyhow I would like to know more about your project and work with you !

See you soon

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Hi Antoine,
great to get in touch. Let’s work together!

here is my email :
my skype is adb421rio
and i’ll be in Berlin in 2 weeks, lets speak speak this week and meet next week !

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just send you my skype contact and phone no. hope I still catch you before you’ve left.