Circular Economy - Tools and Indicators

A place for sharing resource and tools used to explore, plan, develop, create and measure Circular Economy products, businesses and thinking

1. Circularity Indicators

Methodology and tools recently launched by the Ellen Macarthur Foundation , Granta and EU Life +

Includes full methodology, case studies and web tool models for product and company Material Circularity modelly - Material Indicator scoring (MI) from 0 to 1.

  1. The Circular Economy Toolkit

An assessment tool to identify circular improvements to your organisation
developed by/ at:
Jamie Evans, Researcher and Website Creator
Dr Nancy Bocken, Dissertation Supervisor
University of Cambridge, Institute for Manufacturing (IfM)/ Industrial Systems, Manufacturing & Management (MPhil) Course

3 Guided Choices Towards a Circular Business Model

A guide for small and medium sized companies to support their decision to adopt the circular business model and its implementation.

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