CHALLENGE: App against climate change: Helping people do something: quick, easy and 4 everybody?

– Make it easy for everybody to adopt a greener lifestyle by “packaging” green choices with a quantitative prediction of the positive effect that they will be causing-

We are planning a supercool smartphone app, in which just normal people can start doing little things with a lot of good climate impact. We will make various options for positive actions available for them and that includes quantifying stuff they can do.
This quantification is not that simple and one important half of the challenge and will be usaeble for all kinds of good things - from happiness hacking to more complex environmental optimization for the people to Lifecycle Analysis for products, which is central part of the cradle-to-cradle economy.

We start with building the blueprint for this quantification in this challenge. We create a blueprint for the quantification of consumption choices (products/services) according to their effect on our climate.

The questions answered with this blueprint is:
what will it require to produce and consume this choice and what will consumption of it yield?
The blueprint is also exemplified for 5 choices (switching to LED lighting, biking to work, going vegan etc.) We will quantify according to the parameters: Money spent or gained, CO2 produced or avoided, time (personal energy, attention) spent and gained.

More about our project:

Can people participate and if so, how? Yes please: anybody willing to contribute is invited to join:

  • those who understand the vision of saving the climate/nature by un-braking wide consumer demand for ecofriendly choices by quantifying/predicting benefits of consumption
  • those who are good with numbersthose who are good with living climate-/ecofriendly
  • those who have experience in online marketing (conversion focus)
  • those who create mobile apps
  • and everybody who is interested

Workshop times:
Friday, 14:00 until 15:30

Monday: 10:30 until 11:00


admin note I moved the topic from the “Open Source general” category to the “Data & Code” category. “Open Source general” is for meta discussion on Open Source. Let me know if you think the topic should be in another category (for example “Education”)

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difficult to say. both apply. can you put me in category like climate? or action? If not, data will be optimal. Thanks, Lars!

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Hi David, nice challenge, one of our colleagues, Jonas Wolterstorff did his Msc on this topic and is developing something simliar. You guys should definitely meet! I also had a simliar concept a few years ago for an APP called Dash-cott.

Jonas’s thesis is here

We are also organizing an upcoming conference on WellBeing Economy and you might be interested to participate in that.

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Thanks, Gien! I will look into it.

Thanks, that is so cool

Dear David,

Thanks for the engagement. I actually send an email to you, but I assume that the email add was incorrect. I would love to see how we can synergise our ideas.
Please reach me under jonas . wolterstorff [at] gmail com!

Regards, Jonas

Dear Jonas,
this email does not seem to work…
Will you be there tonight?
If yes, just approach me - should be easiest…

No wonder, I forgot my last name. :wink: I will not be there tonight, because I am based in Germany. Maybe try with the email again now?

Hi David. Where is the source code for this app? Is your project on Github? How can we contribute to the project?

Hi Greg - we were going to blueprint a method for predicting
the invest and outcome of activities with respect to money, time/energy,
and CO2. It did not work in such a way, that we finished a blueprint.
But we got great feedback. Are you involved in climate protection?

Hi David, are you going to continue working on this challenge? Will you be making it an open source project?

I work on projects looking at environmental impacts from a life cycle/supply chain perspective.

Yeah I am working on it. Thinking seriously about open sourcing it. Or parts of it. Precise LCA usage is the ultimate goal, for now we are using heuristics until good data is available…

I am curious about the projects you are working on.

Could you add me on LinkedIn?