SOLUTION – Circular Design Guide: 24 Open To Use Brainstorming Tools For Business Developers

Update: This topic is granted ‚Solution’. It shares the link to the Circular Design Guide a collection of marketing and business development oriented methods “to help you understand, define, make, and release circular innovations.” It is design thinking oriented and provides easy to understand and easy to use worksheets for brainstorming sessions for people interested in business development.

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation and IDEO published a “Circular Design Guide”.

##List Of Methods
The guide is a collection of 24 methods: “activities to help you understand, define, make, and release circular innovations.”

Each activity or method comes as a simple step by step guide and is best started with an existing idea, product or project in mind that you want to transform into something circular.

Most methods seem to be good to run a 1-3 hour session also without much preparation upfront.

Methods are divided into 4 groups.

##Worksheets To Download Most of these methods provide a “worksheet” you can download and play with for example a _“circular stakeholder mapping template”_ a _“brainstorming concept sheet”_ a _“smart material choices sheet”_ and many more.

##Links To External Resources
Many methods link on top to very good external resources. For example to AskNature by the Biomimicry Institute or Cradle To Cradle Online Courses or the C2C list of banned chemicals.

It is a very well designed and easy to access resource that can help people to understand or find out basic things.

##Share Your Experience & Results
If you play with one of the methods let us know how it was. Can you recommend anything? What have you found out? Share your results to inspire others.