[ACTION in Development] – Write A Food Policy Paper (For Berlin)

In diesem Experiment testen wir das kollaborative Format des AKTION Protokolls für die Arbeit an einem Strategiepapier für ein faires und nachhaltiges Ernährungssystem für die Stadt Berlin. Mit unserem Blick auf die ‘Regenerative Stadt’ wollen wir den Prozess der Strategieentwicklung voranbringen, an dem der Ernährungsrat Berlin aktuell arbeitet.
Dabei kann die internationale OSCE- und DIF Community in Echtzeit sehen, wie sich der Porzess hier entwickelt. Aus unseren Erfahrungen soll dann ein allgemeinener [Handlungsleitfaden (ACTION Protocol) für das Schreiben eines Ernährungs-Strategiepapieres] ([ACTION in Development] - Write A Circular City Food Policy Paper) enstehen. Dafür werden alle unsere Schritte werden offen dokumentiert, damit wir und andere daraus lernen können. Wir schaffen damit einen Pfad, dem andere folgen können.

The purpose of this ACTION is to develop an ACTION Protocol on writing a food policy paper for a circular city. We experiment on this by writing an Open Source documentation of the current practical example from Berlin (see below). This way we can see what steps we actually take and adapt the draft ACTION Protocol while the process happens. That way we can create useful ressources while allowing the community to see the Berlin writing process unfold in real time and creating a path that others can follow. When the Berlin paper writing process is done we plan to condense the experience into a general ACTION Protocol for food policy papers for everyone everywhere on the globe to use for writing a food policy paper for their place.

Initiative by Maike @transitionmaike

#Food Policy Paper For Berlin



  • Draft a policy paper for feeding the city sustainably that involves as many input perspectives as possible (see comment below).
  • Draft definitions for terms like ‘urban agriculture’ and ‘edible city’ for your local conditions.
  • Get a broad range of stakeholders to comment and work on the draft paper to extend it and add their perspectives.
  • Get as many interested parties as possibe to agree on and sign the final version


  • Devise a realistic and visionary longterm strategy for making the food system of your place circular.
  • Involve and connect local stakeholders in a network you can later use to plan the realization of the strategy and make it happen.


  • A presentable food policy paper for the city of Berlin by the 25.11.2016.

###Introduction & Background:
A food policy paper is one way of creating a vision that will inspire and draw people together to make it happen. It is useful to promote the circular food system concept while mapping a realistic path to actually get there.

WHY I do this now: There is a draft paper for the ‘Edible District Pankow’ which I find rather disappointing and want to extend (see in comments below). We also have a new network, the Ernährungsrat, who want to write food policy papers for different cities in Germany. Anders Ettinger and I have been into food politics and sustainable food systems for years. I have a big network of potential stakeholders, so the potential for making this paper a driver for real change is there.

###What We Need – Resources

  • acess to computer, internet, phone and other communication tools
  • meeting spaces (preferably free)
  • contacts to stakeholders (preferably personal)
  • people with research skills
  • people with good communication skills
  • people with good writing skills
  • people with moderating skills
  • people with expertise in the field
  • time and patience
  • modesty in face of the challenge


PHASE 1: Preparation

####STEP 1 – get started

In the start phase you need to follow two paths in parallel:

A) Create a core team

Think of people you want to involve in researching for and writing the first draft. They should have at least one of the ressources listed above.

Example: These are the we asked to join the policy paper draft team

  • Anders (food researcher): research skills, expertise
  • Katja (Ernährungsrat, foodsharing): expertise, contacts
  • Anja (Stadt macht satt): expertise, contacts
  • Karen (Baumhaus): expertise, contacts, communication skills, event space
  • Maike (Transition Town Pankow): communication skills and ressources, meeting space, research and writing skills, contacts
  • Clemens (volunteer working with Maike): research skills

B) Research the field

####STEP 2 – Research the field


####STEP 3 – Set up a working team collaboration
meeting of the organising group: not before the 20.10.

####STEP 4 – Define target participants
with your working group: draft a list of stakeholders: people and organisations who have
something to say or should be involved in the writing process.

Update: Started that (see list in comment below)

####STEP 5 – Describe your food policy paper ACTION
with your working group: write and publish or print a short text to explain what you want to do and why. This will allow you to show this text to the people you want to involve so they can make up their mind if they want to join your ACTION.

Update: started to work with Anders and Katja on the draft (by email)


####STEP 6 – Test 1 of your food policy paper ACTION

contact the people you know already and get them interested (Activate participants/ expand participant base from your list, ask for feedback, involve them). Get them to comment on your text, ask questions about your paper. Ask for further suggestions on who to involve in the process.

####STEP 7 – Iteration 1 of your food policy paper ACTION
with your working group: integrate the feedback from those talks in refining your text.

####STEP 8 – Test 2 of your food policy paper ACTION
Activate participants from your list: contact the people you don’t know yet and get them interested. Get them to comment on your text, ask questions about your paper ACTION.

####STEP 9 – Iteration 2 of your food policy paper ACTION
integrate the feedback from those talks in refining your text. You should now have a text that explains well what this ACTION is about, who will be involved and how you want to proceed


####STEP 10 – Draft policy paper
In your working team: draft a proposal for the policy paper.

####STEP 10 – Draft Iteration 1
Send it to a few people who know most about the subject and are interested and trustworthy. Ask them for suggestions, comments and corrections. Integrate those into your draft.

####STEP 11 – Team building phase 2
Organise a meeting with those who showed most interest in writing a first draft of the policy paper, Discuss and amend the propositional text.

####STEP 12 – Consultation process phase 1
Try to get stakeholders together in person to discuss the policy paper proposal. Try to mix groups to get different opinions together in one room. Try to match groups to make for productive meetings (e.g. mixed expert group, mixed practioners group): people should have similar levels of expertise. Try to mix groups from very different fields and levels of expertise to challenge the experts to explain their standpoint to lay people.

DOCUMENT! the discussions and all changes to the proposal on the OSCE platform.

####STEP 13 – Draft Iteration 2
In your working group: Integrate all suggestions, comments and corrections. Highlight points of debate and differing opinions. Send this document to all the participants and allow time for them to correct or clarify the positions they brought into the draft.

####STEP 13 – Consultation process phase 2
Organise face-to-face event to discuss the points that are controversial. Do only short talk explaing the process and the points of discussion, then choose a format that allows a maximum of interaction between participants in an outcome-oriented way (e.g. world café). DOCUMENT! this event on the OSCE platform.

####STEP 14 – Finalise the policy paper
Do a final rewrite of the policy paper. Organise a final meeting/ voting process to achieve
maximum support for the final paper amongst the participants of your consulation process. In case of remaining differences: use the sociocraty method (vote options are: yes, indifferent, no (but I can live with it staying that way) and veto (if this stay in this way I’m out) to take decisions on phrasing and content. If vetoes remain: discuss in your working group if these points are worth loosing the support of that specific participant. This might have to take place in a second event in the format of a plenum discussion, use methods such as fishbowl to allow people a say without dragging out the debate.

Suggestions for follow-up ACTION - make suggestions of policy papers become reality

####STEP 1 – Publication of the policy paper
Write a press statement, publish your policy paper online and in print. Organise a public event to present the policy paper to journalists, politicians and local government representatives.

####STEP 2 – Generate public support
Create attention and pressure on decision makers to make the whole writing process worthwhile. Publicise the final paper and the network you created in the writing process. Use social media to make the link to your site go viral. Get prominent people to support your policy paper publicly. Use a petition platform to collect signatures from individuals in support of your policy paper.

####STEP 3 – Start working with your network
As each participant in the consultation process was asked to write into it what they actually want to do and what they need to get going, you now have a collection of ideas for projects that can become reality on the way to achieving your goal: the circular food system for your city. Create ACTION protocols for different paths you want to take and start working with all the ressources you’ve created and gathered, including the stakeholders you’ve activated. Let the change begin!

###Attached Resources

Uploaded the draft concept for the ‘Edible District Pankow’ (see comment below)

Contributers are documented below.

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I spoke to the AG Stadtplanung of the ‘Ernährungsrat’ (workgroup for city planning of the Food Coucil Berlin, similar to “Sustain” in GB, a local network for food policy): they are interested in being part but won’t be able to invest more than some workshop hours per week during the three weeks. We need the website to explain to them exactly what it is we plan to do. In this network are inkota.de, mundraub.org, Ökonauten, Bündnis junge Landwirtschaft and several other stakeholders.

http://berlin.imwandel.net/, “Restlos Glücklich” Restaurant and the Transition Network Berlin-Brandenburg will certainly join the consultation process once I ask them.I

also spoke to Ayumi of the Dycle-Project (very interested to take part), to Baumhaus (super interested to take part and would support us organising it in their place, but not able to give us free space, they need the money after their intensive building period). Also with us is Anja Fiedler from “Stadt macht satt”, but she won’t be able to help but for very well informed input as she’s no longer living in Berlin. Plus we have Anders Ettinger, journalist and researcher, who used to work in food policy consultation for the Heschel Centre in Israel (great plus for the input). Foodsharing will certainly also be with us, I’ll speak to spokesperson Gerard Roscoe next week and through this I hope to get BioCompany, a local organic food store chain as they are co-founders of this project, to join in too.

Had a chat to Silke Gebel (umweltpolitische Sprecherin Fraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen im Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin, spokesperson for environmental policy for the Green Party in Berlin) who was interested and will get us in touch with several delegates in the party. I met Sören Benn, prospective mayor for Berlin Pankow of ‘Die Linke’ party, at a meeting and will get back to him once we can tell more precisely what it is we’re planning, he seems to be a very accessible politician but will be rather busy now during post-election party negotiations.
We have an appointment with Ute Waschkowitz (Agenda 21 officer in the Berlin-Pankow district) on Tuesday to speak about options of involving the local administration.

I will contact urban gardens: mauergarten, Himmelbeet, Helle Oase and Prinzessinnengarten (and I know people who know a lot of others personally), the packaging free shop http://original-unverpackt.de/, Dickes Bee food coop, the bulk buying club @ Baumhaus, two CSA groups, Eva Foos (urbane Klimagärten, TU Berlin), Berlin 21 e.V., the UfU, ECF Aquaponics Farm and InFarm, Terra Natur (organic wholesaler for Berlin), some organic box schemes, local NaBu environmental NGO and the spokesperson of the allotments association Pankow-Weissensee these days to get them onboard and use their networks to widen the input base for the consultation process.

Once we have a cool description I can get in touch with Tom Hansing from Anstiftung&Ertomis to find out if they might be able to fund the rent for Baumhaus. Alternatively we could try the Böll Foundation who have done so for a previous event of mine.

Clemens and I are compiling a list of current ‘edible city’ projects in Germany (most of which are very small: some plant boxes or a community garden, some are not active any more). We’ll check each of them this week to see what we can learn from them:

  1. Munich: https://www.greencity.de/projekt/essbare-stadt/ or http://urbane-gaerten-muenchen.de/
  2. Andernach: http://speiseraeume.de/essbare-stadt-andernach/
  3. Minden (Westphalen): http://www.essbare-stadt-minden.de/
  4. Kassel: http://essbare-stadt.de/wp/
  5. Jena: http://essbarestadtjena.tumblr.com/
  6. Waldkirch: http://www.essbare-stadt-waldkirch.de/
  7. Borken: http://www.borken.de/de/stadtleben/essbare-stadt.html and http://www.essbare-stadt-borken.de/
  8. Zella-Mehlis: http://www.ueberlebenskultur.de/essbare_Stadt.html
  9. Tübingen: http://tt-tuebingen.de/wirkgruppen/emmissionsfrei/
  10. Bayreuth: http://essbares-bayreuth.org/
  11. Böblingen: http://www.essbare-stadt-bb.de/
  12. Oberhausen: https://www.oberhausen.de/de/index/stadtentwicklung-umwelt/stadtentwicklung/essbare-stadt.php
  13. Langenzenn: http://www.langenzenn.de/leben-wohnen/umwelt/essbare-stadt/
  14. Köln-Ehrenfeld: http://www.ksta.de/koeln/ehrenfeld/essbare-stadt-ehrenfeld-zum-anbeissen-351128
  15. Wasserburg: http://www.wasserburger-stimme.de/stadt/essbare-stadt-schoener-auftakt/2016/05/06/
  16. Bitterfeld: http://www.mz-web.de/bitterfeld/essbare-stadt--die-stadt-ist-unser-garten--1139324
  17. Regensburg: https://www.transition-regensburg.de/gruppen/gardening/
  18. Leverkusen: http://www.rp-online.de/nrw/staedte/leverkusen/essbare-stadt-leverkusen-obst-und-gemuese-im-oeffentlichen-raum-aid-1.5532704
  19. Balingen: http://regionalgenial.com/veranstaltungen/243-zukunft-pflanzen/event_details.html
  20. Freiburg: http://ttfreiburg.de/mitmachen/urbanes-gaertnern/essbares-rieselfeld/
  21. Heidelberg: https://essbaresheidelberg.wordpress.com/
  22. Lörrach: http://www.mikrogärtner.de/?cat=165
  23. Karlsruhe: http://www.faechergaertner.de/ or http://www.agenda21-karlsruhe.de/arbeitskreise/arbeitskreis-faechergaertner.html
  24. Memmingen: https://www.facebook.com/stattgarten.mm
  25. Augsburg: https://cityfarmaugsburg.wordpress.com/about/
  26. Günzburg: http://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/guenzburg/Die-tolle-gruene-Kiste-id37684292.html
  27. Berlin-Friedrichshain/Kreuzberg: http://bbb.wandelwoche.org/touren/essbarer-bezirk-kreuzberg-bezirksverwaltungs-beschluss-realitaet-und-utopie/ and https://www.berlin.de/ba-friedrichshain-kreuzberg/aktuelles/pressemitteilungen/2014/pressemitteilung.168021.php
  28. Berlin-Pankow: Amtliche Drucksache VII-0594
  29. Berlin-Charlottenburg/Wilmersdorf: https://www.berlin.de/ba-charlottenburg-wilmersdorf/aktuelles/pressemitteilungen/2016/pressemitteilung.455936.php
  30. Berlin-Zehlendorf: http://zephir.zephirev.de/?p=1746
  31. Berlin-Lichtenberg: https://www.berlin.de/ba-lichtenberg/aktuelles/pressemitteilungen/2014/pressemitteilung.316782.php and Vorlage 169/2016 – Essbarer Bezirk Lichtenberg; Abschlussbericht zur DS/1213/VII
  32. Berlin-Steglitz: www.stadtrand-nachrichten.de | www.qiez.de
  33. Berlin-Neukölln: http://www.prachttomate.de/
  34. Köln: http://ernährungsrat-köln.de/tag/essbare-stadt/ or http://www.ksta.de/koeln/ehrenfeld/essbare-stadt-ehrenfeld-zum-anbeissen-351128
  35. Stade: https://urbanergarten.wordpress.com/essbare-stadt-urban-gardening/
  36. Nürnberg: https://www.frankenfernsehen.tv/urban-gardening-voll-im-trend-53498/
  37. Eberswalde: http://stadt-und-land-im-wandel.de/gruppen/gruner-bahnhof/
  38. Offenbach: https://www.facebook.com/essbarestadtoffenbach/
  39. Gerolzhofen: http://www.gerolzhofen.de/Essbare_Stadt.html
  40. Geretsried: http://www.tauschring-woge.de/
  41. Ingolstadt: http://www.extraprimagood.de/tag/oeffentlichen-kraeutergarten-ingolstadt/
  42. Kempten: https://transitionallgaeu.wordpress.com/themen/gemeinschaftsgarten/
  43. Naila: http://www.naila.de/rathaus-stadtrat/aktuelles/detailansicht.html?tx_ttnews[tt_news]=144&cHash=d98e17c5980470550ee67a477e884895
  44. Gröbenzell: http://www.merkur.de/lokales/fuerstenfeldbruck/gartenstadt-fressen-gern-haben-5029155.html
  45. Puchheim: https://www.puchheim.de/index.php?id=10291,376&suche=
  46. Würzburg – www.stadtgaertner-wuerzburg.de | www.wuerzburgwiki.de
  47. Darmstadt: https://www.facebook.com/urbangardendarmstadt/ and http://urbangarden-darmstadt.de/
  48. Hattersheim - www.kreisblatt.de | www.fr-online.de
  49. Marburg – www.nabu-marburg.de | www.marburg.de
  50. Offenbach – https://www.facebook.com/essbarestadtoffenbach/
  51. Witzenhausen: http://ttwitzenhausen.de/unvergessbar/
  52. Bramsche: http://www.bramsche.de/staticsite/staticsite.php?menuid=569&topmenu=8
  53. Osnabrück – http://www.tomatos-ev.de/
  54. Seelze – www.letter-fit.de
  55. Kleve/ Bedburg-Hau: http://sozialstiftung.net/essbare-stadt/ or https://www.facebook.com/Essbares-Klever-Land-723233094435557/
  56. Bonn – http://www.bonn-im-wandel.de/category/essbare-stadt/
  57. Dortmund: https://www.urbaneoasen.de/gruppen/querbeet-hoerde-ernte-deine-stadt/
  58. Gelsenkirchen-Nienhausen (Revierpark): http://www.der-ziegenmichel-ev.de/index.php/impressum
  59. Lindlar: https://lindlarer.de/essbares-lindlar
  60. Mönchengladbach: https://www.facebook.com/Transition-Town-Mönchengladbach-162360387272585/ ; https://www.urbaneoasen.de/project/berggartenoase-moenchengladbach/ and https://www.urbaneoasen.de/project/margarethengarten-moenchengladbach/
  61. Wuppertal: http://www.wuppertals-gruene-beete.de/ or https://wuppapfel.wordpress.com/
  62. Landau (non-active): https://landauimwandel.wordpress.com/
  63. Bingen: http://www.bingen.de/wohnen-freizeit/umwelt-und-klimaschutz/essbare-stadt
  64. Dresden: http://www.dresden-pflanzbar.de/neuigkeiten/
  65. Landau (non-active): https://landauimwandel.wordpress.com/
  66. Frankfurt a.M.: http://frankfurter-beete.de/
  67. Speyer: http://speyer-aktuell.de/speyer-heute/38367-vierte-klasse-der-zeppelin-grundschule-erhaelt-umweltpreis-der-stadt or http://www.ecoguide.de/speyer-beitrag-zur-essbaren-stadt-honoriert/
  68. Trier – www.hochbeete-trier.blogspot.de
  69. Dillingen: https://www.dillingen-saar.de/news/details/article/projekt-essbare-stadt-setzt-weitere-akzente-in-der-huettenstadt-im-gruenen/
  70. Friedrichsthal: https://www.friedrichsthal.de/index.php?id=543
  71. Saarbrücken: https://saarbrueckendieessbarestadt.wordpress.com/ or
  72. St. Ingbert: http://www.saarnews.com/index.php/2016/05/10/die-essbare-stadt-ein-vorzeigeprojekt-aus-friedrichsthal/
  73. Vöklingen: http://www.voelklingen-lebt-gesund.de/2014-01-buergergarten.php
  74. Leipzig – www.buergerbahnhof-plagwitz.de
  75. Bielefeld: http://www.ttbielefeld.de/content/essbares-heepen-infoveranstaltung
  76. Halle / Waldgarten – www.essbarer-waldgarten.de
  77. Lübeck: http://kuecknitz.info/?page_id=3369
  78. Saalfeld:: https://www.facebook.com/essbaressaalfeld/ and http://www.essbares-saalfeld.de/ (under construction)
  79. Buchloe: http://www.all-in.de/nachrichten/lokales/Urban-Gardening-mit-einem-Gemeinschaftsgarten-in-Buchloe;art26090,2363914
  80. Neu-Isenburg (founding phase): http://spd-neu-isenburg.de/relaunch/cms/CMS_DATEIEN/index.php?section=news&cmd=details&newsid=318&teaserId=&pdfview=1

On the 2.7.2014 the District Council of Berlin-Pankow voted for the district to become an ‘Edible City’ (German only: the text of the actual decision: Amtliche Drucksache VII-0594).
The motion was brought forward by Elisa Pfennig of the Green Party (contact here: http://www.kopofo.de/933.0.html)

Here is an almost last version of a preliminary concept for the ‘Edible District Pankow’ (last draft before the final version which is now being processed by the district administration since June). As I helped in writing it there are several comments of mine that supposedly got mostly included.
KonzeptPankow_Anm.Maike.doc (137.5 KB). Sadly both the authors from Mundraub and the Pankow District refuse to give us (or anyone else) the current version.

I started gathering a literature list that will be extended as we go along. Any suggestions? just send them to me @transitionmaike or ttpankow (at) web.de

@Lars2i : how can I implement a kind of excel sheet or table in this wiki?

Some DIY-instructions that might be useful:

I’m currently collecting best practice examples and useful concepts fom the other edible cities around the globe to see what we can learn from them for our policy paper.

Any suggestions? just send them to me: ttpankow (at) web.de

Great work. A few links below, mainly on urban agriculture from different parts of the world. Not sure if it’s helpful but might be worth a look:

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I contacted Elisa Pfennig to fix a date for a meeting but the Berlin Greens are very busy right now, we may have to wait until November.

Today Clemens and I had a legthy and very informative and amicable talk to Ms Waschkowitz today about

  • the “Edible District Pankow” (general plans and ideas)
  • the plans for writing the food policy paper (what I want to do, when, who should be involved?)
  • contacts into the city administration and to the Agenda 21 Council (they have a working group on food there)
  • the option of getting a room in Pankow Rathaus (town hall, fancy building, prominent setting) for our big presentation (on the last weekend of November)


  • She shares the idea that we need a more general outlook on food policy beyond urban gardening and allotments. She immediately got the need for a circular city - food policy
  • She’s very happy to support TT Pankow with further developments of both the plans and networking for the ‘Edible City’ and the food policy paper ACTION.
  • She will find out if the Rathaus room is avaiblable and how much it would be if we need to pay for opening the place on the weekend (heating, caretaker). I will try to convince one of the district offices (either Environment, City Planning or Urban Green Spaces) to support our request as we could then get it for free.
  • She extended our list of possible stakeholders and is very happy to help us make more contacts and spread the information. Clemens and I will get in touch with lots of people during the next days.

On the way home I met a girl who works for Pernzlauer Berg Nachrichten (local press) and let her know she should get back to me end of next week for a story. Do we have a press contacts list that I can use for advertising the event? I would like to send out a press statement and invite press people to cover the policy paper ACTION background and contents.

Projects/ people/ organisations we want to contact now:
Arbeitskreis Ernährung (Agenda 21), Stadtteilzentrum Pankow and Teutoburger Platz, (Brotfabrik and Café Impuls may also have the space we need), Grünflächenamt Pankow, Stadtgrün, Pflanzenschutzamt Berlin (plant protection office, research on plants and climate change) und Abteilung Landschaftsplanung/ Spielplätze (district offices for urban green spaces and playgrounds), Stiftung Naturschutz, Bunter Garten Buchholz, Grün macht Schule (advising on ecological school yard design), some local schools and kindergardens, Gartenarbeitsschulen (district school garden centres), Berliner Wasserbetriebe (Berlin waterworks who recycle nutrients from sewage), Wohnungsbaugesellschaften und -genossenschaften (building societies and public housing): DEGEWO (had invited urban gardening workshop), GSW (have a lot of courtyards in Pankow), GESOBAU, BBWo 1892, Wikiwoods (plant and care for trees), Lobetaler Werkstätten (social business for landscaping, ecological nursery), Delphin Werkstätten (works with handicapped, interested in planting in Bürgerpark), Grüne Liga (ecomarket, network of environmental NGOs), Stadtgut Blankenfelde (ex urban farm, alternative cohabitation project), Bürgerinitiative Thälmannpark, Bürgerinitative Bürgerpark, Permakulturakademie, stadtacker.net, KuBiZ (centre for alternative culture and education), Umweltbüro Berlin-Brandenburg (NGO), Umweltbüro Pankow, Slowfood Berlin, Gartenpaten, Selbsthilfeverein für Geringverdiener, Vivantes (Berlin hospital corporation, Maike gave an urban gardening workshop for their summer party, they have lot’s of green space), Social Seeds, KanTe , FÖJ-volunteers who work in eco-agriculture, 2000m2

Update 27.10.2016: Baumhaus and the CSA in Baumhaus are interested in the process. Got a reply from Elisa Pfennig offering to meet up.

Update 5.11.2016: There’s a new call for an ‘Edible City Berlin-Wedding’: http://weddingwandler.de/essbare-stadt-wedding/ contacted the person to invite them to the process

Anders and I started writing a draft for the policy paper today, based on the Kinsale Engery Descent Action Plan. Here is the first part that is ready for people to start working on: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/circular-food-policy-paper-for-berlin
IMPORTANT: Please give your name and leave your comments and reasons for changes in the chat there (right hand side).

It also includes aspects of the vision of the Berlin ‘Ernährungsrat’ which should probably be more prominent still as it’s very good (but rather abstract): http://www.ernaehrungsratschlag.de/ein-zukunftsfaehiges-ernaehrungssystem/

Hi Maike,

I worked a bit on the wiki and moved the topic to the policy category.

When reading it I could not quite understand what is the difference between the food policy paper ACTION & the final Policy Paper Draft. Maybe you could add some sentences as explanation to the main topic.

Excel? Yes. You can create an Excel sheet in Google Docs and share the link here. There are two ways to do it: You can just post the link into a comment or topic - this will embed the sheet into the topic and make it even editable from here! But I don’t recommend this - because this transfers a lot of data and will make older and slower computers freeze :snowman2: –> i recommend to share the link as a hidden link using this:

I was hoping to find an open source solution instead of using google docs. If we don’t have one this may be another CHALLENGE for the future: “create an alternative to google docs”.

I started to tidy up the ACTION Protocol draft a bit, I hope by the end of next week it will become clearer what it could look like. Just doing things can be such a muddle, it’s hard to structure that for a recipe. Please help by giving feedback and suggesting changes.

Ah, forgot. The most successful topic on this forum is about an Open Source Alternative to Google Docs. Maybe you can find an answer for your question there: OwnCloud or gDocs for spreadsheets?

Thanks a lot, that was helpful.

I started to use the ethercalc https://ethercalc.org/uhnt8g5bxlc1 to illustrate my idea of the planning grid I want to use for the various stakeholders to write in their ideas and plans for the circular food system.

Got this invitation today, I’ll try to talk to them tomorrow to see how this might create synergies:

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

wir laden Sie herzlich ein, sich an unserem Ideen-Workshop zum Thema „Nachhaltige Ernährungssysteme mitgestalten“ zu beteiligen, welcher im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes vor dem Hintergrund des Organic Food System Programme (OFSP) ausgerichtet wird. Das OFSP bringt Initiativen und Stakeholder auf unterschiedlichen lokalen, regionalen, nationalen und internationalen Ebenen zusammen, um u.a. die Entwicklung und Verbreitung von nachhaltigen Lebensmittelanbau- und Ernährungsformen im Sinne eines nachhaltigen Ernährungssystems voranzubringen.

Der Workshop in Berlin wird am 26. November 2016 stattfinden. Im Anhang finden Sie das Einladungsschreiben mit detaillierteren Informationen zur Veranstaltung und Teilnahme (auch im Flyer-Format).

Über eine Rückmeldung Ihrerseits, ob Sie an dem Workshop teilnehmen möchten oder eine Verteilung und Bekanntmachung dieses Termins in Ihrem Umfeld möglich ist, würde ich mich freuen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Leonie Fink

Universität Kassel, Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Ökologische Lebensmittelqualität und Ernährungskultur

Einladung_Workshop_Berlin.pdf (233.9 KB)

This is an invitation to a workshop on ‘sustainable food systems’ on the 26.11.2016 which is part of the research in the Organic Food System Programme (OFSP). It’s bringing initiatives and stakeholders of all levels together in order to promote the development and growth of an organic food system.

Just had a chat, Leonie was very open and interested. As this is part of her PhD she won’t be able to open source her process before having published the dissertation. She needs to consult her readers at the faculty before she can give a reply.
However I think that it can be beneficial for our consultation process to invite people take part in her event to help improve the brainstorming for the planning grid.

Talking to her I also realized that I need to add another column to the grid: education/ information.

translated the draft into German and contacted some more people to give feedback on the draft.

@Lars2i: I will need a text in German explaing the ACTION Protocol process for the 3 weeks in November by Monday, is that possible?

I’ll see what I can do.

In the DIF program these are connected to our circular food systems topic:
Let’s see how we can create synergies here.

Brainstorm on a schedule for this ACTION:

7. - 11. November: Phase 1 ‘BRAINSTORMING THE CIRCULAR CITY’

Discussion on how all the information gathered here can be turned into something useful for our future work on circular food systems and edible districts in Berlin. Which process and which end product do we really need? Which ones are feasible in the given time frame (to make a start for more to come)?

Introduction to the work so far and the current situation: @transitionmaike

Place&Time: Transition Büro (Berlin-Pankow ) for one face-to-face meeting and online collaboration throughout the week. (CANCELLED due to illness)

11. - 18. November: Phase 2: ‘Creating ACTIONS’

Turn the ACTION Protocol draft on this page inside out: how can we break down the process into an ACTION Protocol? How can we describe and visualize the STEPS? Turn the draft into a helpful flow chart or toolkit.

Introduction to the ACTION Protocol idea @Lars2i??

Place&Time: Transition Büro (Berlin-Pankow ) for one face-to-face meeting and online collaboration throughout the week. (CANCELLED due to illness)

19. -26. November: Phase 3: ‘LOCAL EVENTS’

Create an open local event to celebrate the work we’ve done, network and envisage our future collaborations.

Idea for the structure of the event: a bit like sustainability drinks, maybe with a world café aspect: people show their names and projects on a sticker on their shirt, we provide four tables for each part of the circle covered with paper for taking notes and sketching (also our documentation). Baumhaus will sell drinks so the event can remain without entry fee. We provide some rescued food from local bakeries (there’s always a lot to pick up after closing time). Lars and Maike can give a PechaKucha-Introduction on the OSCE-DIF and the Action Protool Process for a Circular Food System Policy Paper. The rest is informal: anyone can sit and have a drink at any table and start talking about the subject of the evening: Where do we start together now? What do we do first?

hosts: Karen, @Lars2i, @Clemens and @transitionmaike

Place: Baumhaus, Gerichtstr. 23, Berlin-Wedding
Date: 26. November 18h

Just a comment to include into the ACTION Protocol somewhere:

Originally I thought of doing a lot more than three small events, but then I realised this is neither sustainable (personally it would wear me thin) nor resilient (if I’m too much of a leader, what will happen to the process if I can’t be around?).

p.s. on 3.11. : it’s happened: I’m ill and nothing is moving without me. Not good for the process. Result: we cancelled the first two events and will only (hopefully) be able to achieve the last one. Lesson: make sure you have more than one person responsible as core drivers.