#ACTION – Create Local Stakeholder Involvement
This ACTION aims at involving local stakeholders from industry, institutions, research bodies, non-for profit entities and private citizens in an event to raise awareness about Circular Economy and to build together solutions to be concretely implemented in specific industries with the collaboration of different local actors. You will set up an event involving dynamically different types of organizations.
Created by: Consulta Europa @valeplatz
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#You Need For It
Some time for research & preparing the event
An event space
##Step 1: Mapping the existing initiatives.
First thing to do, get to know the local reality in which you operate! A meticulous research in your city/region is an essential part when you are organizing a local event about Circular Economy. It will allow you to collect important information about different kinds of existing initiatives connected with the theme, and you might be surprised by innovative experiences taking place next door to you.
Get informed and make yourself a clear idea of the context in which you will operate, including its potentialities and weak points.
If you run this ACTION in your city think about sharing your list publicly so others from your city can benefit from the work you have already done.
##Step 2: Identify stakeholders and other relevant actors.
This step is about identifying specific organizations, associations, private citizens, enterprises, local authorities – all kind of relevant actors on the theme of Circular economy in your local context, and creating a database of contacts that will support you during the development of your event.
It will help you in the selection of the speakers, in mobilizing participants, and so on.
While you should not share a list of private data like email addresses it is great, if you share the list of organizations for others from your region. If you share this here other people who will run this ACTION can get inspired by your choice of organizations.
##Step 3: Organization of the event
Once you have a clear picture of the framework, you can start to develop the Event itself. Most important is the format that you will choose: find a proper location, which will allow you to host a formal conference as well as more informal meetings among the participants (round-tables on specific topics, etc.)
Set a number of topics that you want to focus on and invite the most relevant speakers in your local context to share their experiences.
Don’t forget to take care of the practical parts: organize a catering service (better if coherent with the principles of circular economy – no plastic, km0, etc.), print badges with the participants names, prepare all the material that will be needed during the day (laptops, projectors, microphones, white-boards, tables and seats, etc.).
##Step 4: Get in contact with/invite the stakeholders.
While organizing your event, you should also be sure that people are informed about it!
Don’t wait for the last moment to send the news to your contacts, remember they need time for organizing their schedule: one month before you can already send a “save the date” email to inform who you think might be interested about the time and place of your event. When you have more details, like the event programme, you can send tailored emails to your contacts and start to get in touch with intermediary organizations, that will widen your chances to contact a higher number of people (indirect dissemination).
Eventually you can start with the direct dissemination of the event, sending a full detailed email to the relevant contacts that you have identified during Step 2.
Don’t forget to send a reminder a couples of days before the event takes place!