PANEL: Was brauchen wir für ein Circular Berlin? / What do we need to make Berlin Circular? /

Who are we / Wer sind wir ?

Hi everyone. I am Dina and I represent the Project Circular Berlin.

This year Circular Berlin remains the main agenda for OSCEdays and we hope to develop a new long lasting initiative.

This panel is part of the activities of the Circular Berlin initiative at OSCEdays.

What will we do / Was werden wir machen ?

The panel discussion is run as the part of the project “Circular Berlin”, which focuses on the circular economy potential for Berlin and city circularity transformation.
This panel is supported by Climate-KIC.


Berlin recycling – BSR Recycling
Circular Construction and Building environment – Partner und Partner Architekten
Urban farming – Roof Water Farm
Berlin local initiative lead – Baufachfrau-Berlin, Bezirk-Fokus Moabit
Berlin Politics representative

Come and join me and our guests, to discuss the topic, priorities and focuses for Berlin as a circular city.


Together with the panelists we want to discuss following topics:

  • What are the conceptual differences between Circular approach and Zero Waste vision?
  • What is circular city? And what it can mean in the context of Berlin
  • What main strength Berlin has to promote and support Circular Economy on Berlin level?
  • What are the transformation steps that Berlin needs to undertake in order to shift towards Circular City?

Discussion will be hold in German

Really looking forward for your participation and involvement to touch the ground on the topic!!!

Time, Place & Supplies / Zeit, Ort und Ausstattung

Date: 15.06

Time: 03.00 pm

Place: InnoZ Forum, EUREF Campus 1-25, 10829 Berlin

Supplies: microphone (at least 2), 7 chairs, room and people to join us with the questions!

Contact / Kontakt

reach me either via forum, or

Open Resources / Offenes Wissen

Check the presentation overview

Or check our website, which is still under construction, but it will give you a sence what is going on and present a number of cities that already move towards circularity.