OSCEdays Graphic Design for the Event June 9th - 14th 2016

@unteem @cameralibre @sharmarval @TechnicalNature

Hi, I met @OTTILIE who made the OSCEdays graphic-design and we started to discuss about the OSCEdays event design for 2016 June 9-14. I mentioned that i would like to have a “reuse” aspect in the design - not throw everything away and make an entire new one but reflect CE also in the making of the design.

@OTTILIE mentioned, that she is willing to do it again but would love not to be alone – she wants to work with someone else on it and she also brought up, that the design should make it easy again to be adapted and developed further by local groups as happened last year.

When we – @unteem @cameralibre and I – were on the street the other day in Wedding we started to discuss the design as well and Sam, you mentioned something about your ideas, how the design could be done this year more collaboratively. The street was very noisy and i was the closest to the cars so I did only hear half of it. Could you share those ideas here?