Each Challenge has a forum post for discussion, a pad for real-time documentation and a cloud folder to upload relevant files.
If you want to do this for your local event and want to set up OSCEdays cloud folders for uploads, just send me a message here on the forum and I can give you a login.
Baubus: Open Source Regenerative Toy Bricks
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] Baubus: Open Source Regenerative Toy Bricks |1|
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_baubus
FOLDER: http://is.gd/baubus
Business Models for Open Structures
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] Business Model for Open Structures
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_business-models-for-open-structures
FOLDER: http://is.gd/businessmodels_openstructures
Circular Textile Challenge 1 - Materials
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] [public wiki] Circular Textile Challenge 1 - Materials
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_ct1-materials
FOLDER: http://is.gd/ct1_materials
Circular Textile Challenge 2 - Design & Production
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] [public wiki] Circular Textile Challenge 2 - Design & Production
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_ct2-design-and-production
FOLDER: http://is.gd/ct2_design
Circular Textiles Challenge 3: Retail, use and return
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] [public wiki] Circular Textile Challenge 3 - Retail, use & return
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_ct3-retail-use-and-return
FOLDER: http://is.gd/ct3_retail
Circular Textiles Challenge 4 - Recovery, sorting & disassembling
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] [public wiki] Circular Textile Challenge 4 - Recovery, sorting & disassembling
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_ct4-recovery
FOLDER: http://is.gd/ct4_recovery
Circular Textile Challenge - Documentation
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_ct-documentation
FOLDER: http://is.gd/ct_documentation
Contains Gluten: An Edible Upcycling Workshop
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] CONTAINS GLUTEN: an edible upcycling workshop
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_contains-gluten
FOLDER: http://is.gd/containsgluten
Design & Documentation of a heavy load bicycle trailer (Carla Cargo Crowd)
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] Design and Documentation of a heavy load bicycle trailer: Carla Cargo Crowd
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_carla-cargo
FOLDER: http://is.gd/carlacargo
Develop an iOS/ WP app for DataCrowder
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] Develop an iOS/ WP app for DataCrowder
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_develop-an-app-for-datacrowder
FOLDER: http://is.gd/datacrowderapp
Distributed hackathon: mapping the resources of an OSCE
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] Distributed hackathon: mapping the resources of an OSCE
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_distributed-hackathon
FOLDER: http://is.gd/distributedhackathon
Documentation Jam on CubeFactory’s Recycle Bin
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] Documentation Jam on CubeFactory’s Recycle Bin
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_recycle-bin
FOLDER: http://is.gd/recyclebin
Green Delta/OpenLCA at OSCEdays 2015
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] GreenDelta / openLCA at OSCEdays15 Berlin
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_openlca-at-oscedays
FOLDER: http://is.gd/openlcaoscedays
Imagine Zero Rainwater Pollution
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] Imagine Zero Rainwater Pollution - Call for participant
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_imaginezerorainwaterpollution
FOLDER: http://is.gd/zerorainwater
Imagine Zero Waste
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] Imagine Zero Waste
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_imagine-zero-waste
FOLDER: http://is.gd/imaginezerowaste
IPO Tables Hackathon
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] IPO tables hackathon
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_ipo-tables-hackathon
FOLDER: http://is.gd/ipotables
Map Jam: Mapping the Urban Commons
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] Map Jam: Mapping the urban commons
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_map-jam
FOLDER: http://is.gd/mapjam
Nutrient-Recycling Toilet Workshop
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] Nutrient-Recycling-Toilet (Workshop)
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_nutrient-recycling-toilet
FOLDER: http://is.gd/nutrientrecyclingtoilet
Welche Gesetze braucht die werdende Kreislaufgesellschaft / bessere Kreislaufe durch Endfertigung vor Ort
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] Welche Gesetze braucht die werdende Kreislaufgesellschaft? &/: Bessere Kreisläufe durch Endfertigung vor Ort
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_welche-gesetze
FOLDER: http://is.gd/welchegesetze
WeTurn: Industrial and Service Design for the Circular Economy
FORUM: [CHALLENGE] Weturn: Industrial and Service Design for the Circular Economy
PAD: https://pad.oscedays.org/p/berlin_weturn
FOLDER: http://is.gd/weturn
@Timm @Lars2i what do we want to do with these links? I guess the Program will get messy if we add them all there, right?
I have linked to the documentation from each individual Challenge, and I’m writing further documentation instructions now. I’m struggling a bit with a very bad internet connection though!