[BoST Meeting, January 18, 2016] - General Meeting of provisional BoST No 5

Provisional BoST Meeting - See full list of BoST meetings here.

We will meet at 8pm GMT on Skype on January 18 2016

Do you want to join? Let us know - ping @Lars2i and @unteem


What should we discuss? Please add things here (post is a wiki) or as a comment below.


##1.1 Hi
Who is going to be the moderator
Who is going to document?
Who are you?

##1.2 Introduction to new People
Hi, looks like we have new people in the call. Everyone please quickly introduce yourself. And tell us how are you


##2.1 Founding The Organisation
Are there updates from the founding process of the organisation? No. No letter back from the Finanzamt.

##2.2 Spread The Call for Cities and Onboarding Process

##2.3 Keep Track of Working Hours?
I think we all should for us personally keep track of the working hours we invest into the OSCEdays 2016. So in case we find money we can pay us depending on the number of extra hours on operational work next to regular strategic Board Work (which is voluntary). What do you think?

##2.4 Sponsorship Questions
We kept iterating the brochure

Feel free to share this brochure with potential sponsors. But let us know if you do.

Does anyone knows potential sponsors/has contacts we should contact? Please add them to the list in the Sponsorship READ ME.


##3.1 Sponsorship Strategy - Who can Become A Sponsor?
Following the discussion on sponsors here (starting at Ericas comment from January 6/7) I think we need to have another brief exchange about the OSCEdays sponsorship and partnership strategy. Who do we pick as a sponsor? Is there a negative list? Is Trump generally out? Or is he in as long he plays by the rules: Open Source and Circular Economy? etc. How do we decide? Is there a political Agenda?

(Might relate to the next point)

##3.2 Code of Conduct ?
Let’s wrap up the discussion about the Code of Conduct.

##3.3 Roles In The OSCEdays Network Topic
I (Lars) created a topic asking for other roles to offer in the OSCEdays network. I don’t think right now is the right moment to discuss this in detail. Just wanted you to know, that there is now a place for this discussion and ideas to drop, when they come to mind.

Barcelona Collaborative commons

please add


Next Call: February 1

Meeting Notes - 18th January 2016

  • This post is a wiki so please add/ amend in relevant section and note below -

2.1 Founding The Organisation

On hold, waiting for the finanzamt letter.

2.2 Spread The Call for Cities and Onboarding Process

General Updates about Spreading the call for Cities [TASK] Spread The Call For Cities - for OSCEdays 2016
New Ideas/further Actions and Strategy?


List of New Cities (can be consulted here)

New topic for onboarding new cities: ONBOARDING CITIES - OSCEdays June 2016

Potential to contact Phoenix City Council through Guillaume (give email to Silvia)

Best practice: Asking people you contact to spread the call, normally no direct contacts have turned into an event.

Ask people to back the Tunderclap

2.3 Keep Track of Working Hours?

We should all keep track of time spent on:
-Social Media
-Operational work

Suggested Tool: Toggl and let’s look at Open Source solutions first

Until next week we track on our own and then we decide

2.4 Sponsorship Questions

Finish the sponsorship brochure with latest community feedbacks

3.1 Sponsorship Strategy - Who can Become A Sponsor?

We accept anyone who agrees to follow the open source principles.

Instead of doing a negative list, we have started making a positive list of people we want to see support OSCE days, second tab (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xY4M0SxdmcCiwmEk4nU9gFW_Lv_yzatMVVvxG3w3UXQ/edit?usp=sharing)

Process and emails to contact the sponsors here

Add last years sponsorship list (and here)(Erica and Sharon) [Note from Erica: One thing to note - when we made this one wasn’t particularly open so they may be comments/ peoples emails - depends on access and where putting]
Add Bcorporations to the list

3.2 Code of Conduct ?

Let’s make a positive code of conduct that encourages the behaviors we want to see happen be nice, be open-minded, collaborate, inclusive, diversity

3.3 Roles In The OSCEdays Network Topic

Let’s think of roles and tasks that members can take to spark the spread of a circular economy (kind of like a Ouishare Connector, makesense community members)

-Keep people engaged after the event

Possible roles:

Possible Inspiration
Roles at Makesense:
-Gangster (hold-up organiser)
-Coback (full time work)
-Community developers
-Community boosters

Every role has it’s own customized avatar

Some task already up for grabs:

Barcelona Collaborative commons
To finish the last 15% of the Subvention documentation

Guillaume and Mireia would need help from the community to:
-Throw some ideas into the hackpad (section 3)
-Ideas for the financial how it could be allocated
-Specific impacts for specific stakeholders (Sharon?)

To be done before the end of wednesday so Guillaume can add everything before sending the final submission.

@Lars2i, @cameralibre, @unteem , @TechnicalNature, @sharmarval , @Silvia, @Gien, @guillaume

PS: Awesome meeting yesterday guys. Really glad to be part of this group! :smile:

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Nice work @Jaime! thanks a lot for this.
Maybe we shouldn’t have the spreadsheet embedded though, as it has people’s email addresses etc in it?

You are right Sam.

I have removed it and left the link for our record, just in case, but if it’s still problematic we can also take it off all together.

Let me know :wink:

I added some details on the hackpad. Do Guilleme and Mireia have all they need for submission? If we need a quick Skype to go over the final application, let me know.

Bona sort!

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btw. to all. Might not be the right place but if you want to have

  • a bulleted
  • list
  • like this

just add a "+ " infront of your text instead of a "- " and the forum (markdown) will automatically transform the text into a list, cool :eyeglasses:

I can still follow the first link? Or is it just as I have access?

Hi Erica,

Not sure what link are you referring. Is it from my post? Can’t you access it?

Is this part… might be just as I have the gdrive links already that it goes through[quote=“Jaime, post:2, topic:4287”]
Add last years sponsorship list (and here)(Erica and Sharon) [Note from Erica: One thing to note - when we made this one wasn’t particularly open so they may be comments/ peoples emails - depends on access and where putting]