[BoST Call October 9, 7 pm GMT] - 2017 - General Call #25

Open Conference Call of the OSCEdays Board Of Stewardship

Please confirm your participation @BoST


1 Introduction Round

How is everybody?
Are there new people? Let’s have a quick introduction round.
Reminder of roles and tasks: To Do List

2 Actions

  • Qing and Lars and Frans will come up with a first draft for the associations statutes and share it with BoST to discuss it

  • Sharon has studied the forum and has a lot of insights about the use of the forum and suggestions how to improve our use of it. She will share it soon.

  • Lars will reach out via Email to all BoST members who is still part

  • Once we continued the Value discussion in the strategy sessions we will put it on Loomio

3 Global Projects

3.1 We need to find a place to have all discussion in one place. Sharon suggest this topic: City / Project matrix / Silvia will have a look at it.

Silvia’s answer: prefer to have all projects under Activities, as I see them as the most important part of our work, unless our Strategy decisions change that. Until the new forum is in place, I suggest as name for any project: [PROJECT] Name of project identical with the one in Google doc. It should be entered under its respective activity, again identical with the one used in Google doc.
E.g. [PROJECT] The Guide to Open Source Circular Economy under Educate & Connect

3.2 Hack the global water crisis is progressing

4 Oct 23rd call

  • what is the best time for everybody? @Jaime prefers to start at or after 12 pm GMT.

5 Rest of agenda will be added soon (Silvia)

Hello guys, I hope everyone are well. I want to say that my participation in the sessions of the BoST has been very difficult because of the work I develop as a teacher. at the moment none of the schedules serves me but I do not want this to be an impediment to the development of the meetings.

Since it is difficult for me to participate live and I think it is easier to contribute by leaving my point of view and in writing, can you share the files before the meeting to read them and leave a contribution before the meeting time?

Maybe @Lars2i can share the file to submit about the statutes?

I have carefully followed the discussions and advances that have been made in OSCEDAYS, especially those regarding the use of the forum and how to assume the costs of maintenance and also those on how to organize this group, a subject of utmost importance for the continuity and future of OSCED.

I will continue to contribute in everything that is necessary to support the development and growth of OSCED, the conformation of the organization and the expansion of its activities.

Here in Colombia the issue OSCED is beginning to be taken with great force and the need to appropriate it in the industry begins to be noticed. For my part i will continue promoting the theme and the use of the platform, in addition to contribute to the discussions.

thank you.


I will not make it to this call, as I am speaking at a CE workshop in Michigan that afternoon. To the moderator, please add to the agenda as needed and do not forget to ask if the time proposed by Jaime for Oct 23rd works for the majority of BoST.

Thank you.

Only myself and @Qing were online at this time, so we didn’t have the call. The agenda needs to be carried over to the next call.

Sorry. I was looking for the Agenda yesterday but I didn’t find it. I thought we had cancelled the call because of the strategy session again. Sorry.

Next time.