[BoST Call November 20, 7 pm GMT] - 2017 - General Call #28

Open Conference Call of the OSCEdays Board Of Stewardship

Please confirm your participation @BoST


1 Introduction Round

How is everybody?
Are there new people? Let’s have a quick introduction round.
Reminder of roles and tasks: To Do List

2 Actions

  • Qing and Lars and Frans will come up with a first draft for the associations statutes and share it with BoST to discuss it - Lars is working on it and will have an update before next call

  • Lars will reach out via Email to all BoST members to determine who is still part of it - will be done before next call.

  • Value discussion is on the forum - Silvia
    Agreed to give it another try, put it in a blog on Wednesday Nov 8 and expand deadline for comments and changes to Dec 4. The blog will include a summary of our current work on the Strategic Framework. - Silvia DONE
    Post a link to the forum and the blog on FB and personal social media - Lars DONE

  • Reminder from Envienta to send out newsletter.of their participation in OSCEDays and upcoming ICO.
    Gien gave us a more detailed explanation on the ICO.
    Will include a link to it and a note about Evienta’s collaboration with OSCEdays in the upcoming newsletter - Gien

  • Post a blog on Tuesday, Nov 7, about FixFest, link to Kyle Wiens message for OSCEdays 2015 - Sharon DONE

  • Post a blog on Monday, Nov 13 about Climate KIC experience and lessons for OSCEdays - Lars DONE

3 Global Projects

  • Keep on the agenda, as we expect to focus on a few global projects as soon as the strategic framework is finished and the association is registered - Silvia

  • We need to find a place to have all discussion in one place. Sharon suggest this topic: City / Project matrix / Silvia will have a look at it.

Silvia’s answer: prefer to have all projects under Activities, as I see them as the most important part of our work, unless our Strategy decisions change that. Until the new forum is in place, I suggest as name for any project: [PROJECT] Name of project identical with the one in Google doc. It should be entered under its respective activity, again identical with the one used in Google doc.
E.g. [PROJECT] The Guide to Open Source Circular Economy under Educate & Connect

5 Strategic Framework update

Agreed that we need a wrap-up session preferably before the end of 2017, no later than January 2018
@seigorobinson please create a doodle poll with a few dates and times that work for you

6 Other

sorry, I got stuck in a meeting that wasn’t supposed to go for 4 hours. :frowning: