Meeting of the provisional and open OSCEdays Board of Stewardship (BoST) - See full list of BoST meetings here.
We will meet at 8pm GMT on Skype on March 14, 2016
Do you want to join? Let us know - ping @Lars2i and @sharmarval
What should we discuss? Please add things here (post is a wiki) or as a comment below.
MODERATOR of this call: @cameralibre
##1 Hi
Who is going to document?
How are you? / Do we have new people in the call? Please introduce yourself and tell us how you are today.
##2 Another Time Schedule for BoST Calls?
I was talking to Melanie Tan from Singapore. She is the Lead Sustainable Innovation Unit at Sl2 and well connect in South-East-Asia around Circular Economy questions. I told her about the BoST because we really need to connect it to Asia and she got really exited. Till we learned that the meetings are for her at 4 in the morning. … I think we need to rearrange the times for the meetings somehow. But I don’t really have an idea. Maybe altering. 9am CET / 9pm CET … So we could grab everyone? This would force us into more written exchange - not that bad - and we could also form little sub-groups that connect on important questions upfront and speak than to the rest of the group. …
##3 Outputs and Impact
What do we want to see? How do we make sure we get these? How do we capture the information and how do we communicate it effectively post-June?
Topic about that (or parts of it)
##4 Shall we create a Petition to build our community?
We have been asked by sponsors about concrete actions that we have taken to advance the circular and open source economy. Creating a petition on a platform like might be a quick and impactful way to spread our message, to show a proof of our efforts and to make our community grow (and our mailing list) to new heights. We can discuss if there is any meaningful cause that should be dealt with and could garner wide support (e.g: like when Kyle Wiens called out John Deere from closing its software, or when Jamie Oliver made a call to a food revolution , we could be calling for the industry to open source their repair manuals by law and whatnot…)
##5. Future list is ready
Here is the first version of the “OSCE Future Wish List”.
##6. Spread The Call for Local Organizers again
The pace of new people signing up for a local event has slowed down. Maybe we should give the Call another push. Ideas/strategies for that?
##7. Grants & Calls Updates
- Advocate Europe - Do we need to do social media work. Or is this phase over?
- What terms did we ended up with the EU research consortium?
##8. The Video
We did not prepare a recording of the video. Let’s do it next time. Who will create a topic for it? Who will set up the hangout and make sure, everybody knows about the video.
. . .
##Next Call
Next BoST Call is March 28, 2016
Who is going to be the moderator of the next call and the deputy?