3.1 Update BoST roles
Let’s try to solve the following two during this call: back-up for BoST call management and Communications head. We’ll go down the list at each call until we cover every opening.
3.2 Communication
Answer Ricardo’s suggestions for communication in Spanish.
3.3 Global event 8 - 12 June 2017 - update
3.3.1 Resources needed: update from Lars and Jose
3.3.2 Universities contacted and engaged in June events
Hey @BoST I can’t join the call tonight because I have to attend a work research team meeting. If there are outstanding jobs that need to be allocated I will look at them after tonight.
The outcome of the DOCU-days is fantastic and I believe the start of something that can really help us to convey the value of OSCEdays.
I can’t join the call. Because of the big time difference.
Have a good evening!
I will be contacting some Chinese universities about Let’s do it and also about OSCE Days.
Open Conference Call of the OSCEdays Board Of Stewardship
Moderator: Jose Scribe: Maike
1 Introduction Round
Maike: can help to prepare the next writer’s weekend, other from that very busy. Will give a talk on OSCE in Eberswalde (by Berlin) to get local Transtion Initiative and Students from the University there to join the event, contact to Manila to get them to create an event this year.
Ricardo: meeting with people from South America who want to join
Lars: nothing new
Julia: working on sustainable fashion event, not related to oscedays
Jose: started working with OSE, part of their team now, tries to connect them to oscedays
silvia took part only through chat
2 News
2.1 DOCU-EVENTS: Update on first writers’ week-end. How did it go? When is the next one? Docu of the first one | Announcement of the next one
not crowded, very good second call, noone took the time to document. belinda shared docu of vancouver of 2016, lots of useful stuff in there,
Lars changed the name to docu-days (easier to pronounce)
Ricardo: people don’t understand very well what to do, turin and bolivia didnt get that they should present a doc of the things they developed. maybe send a step-by-step explanation
lars set up a new website for upcoming docu-days, new link in the forum thread.
Ricardo: good first start
Lars we need more templates,
ricardo: master reference to circular design guide
next iteration of the vent on April 8/9
Lars uses the days to improve the website
Concept of action doesn’t work so well: adds something that people dont understand, too much complexity, Aim was to get reproducable documentation. there are many other ways to document out there. we dont push our own format
drop the name ‘Action protocol’ in favour of 'actionable documentation’
Silvia: too many foramts may make it difficult for people to follow documentation, may make information scattered
2.2 MAKE: CIRCULAR Poster Project
on the date of the international OSCEdays there are 4 event already happening in Berlin, one is the MakerFaire, there should be a link between the two events. lets have the poster with a booth at the maker-fair in Berlin. Lars introduces the idea
let’s work on the phrases, make it catchy, then the design a glossy poster that is meant for inspiration
maybe try the poster format for well documented projects too
make it printable for fablabs and makerfairs to put up on the wall
3 Organizational Matters
3.1 Update BoST roles
Let’s try to solve the following two during this call: back-up for BoST call management and Communications head.
back-up for Silvia. Julia can do it, now she has a computer. Job: set up calls,post the next call, make sure someone is there to start the call.
other from that nothing essential right now that is not covered so we left that for a next call
OSCEdays BoST – To Do List
ricardo will take care of the twitter account
Ricardo will set up a topic: call for translation
maike will write english subtitles to the video that explains how to use the forum, then translate them into German. We should ask in the Forum for other languages
3.2 Communication/ Translations
Ricardo: Some of the documents are difficult to understand for spanish speakers, let’s translate the most essential documents.
communication on facebook and twitter: e.g. in Bogota they have spanish versions on social media networks, twitter channel from different parts of oscedays e.g. bogota, global. if we use different accounts to show all the content in different languages it may be confusing, people don’t understand that osce-gloabl in spanish is not only for Bogota
how can we make that clearer?
On the other hand: english only is preventing people from using the forum, not every one has a good enough level of English. To be inclusive we need channels for global in different languages, need content in their own language, be able to document in their local language.
Social media: maybe share all of them in one thread / twitter account, have it multi-lingual. Currently a twitter-bot retweets all tweets with #oscedays
maybe link to the forum, maybe later have a different channel
have front page and key ressources in several languages
Ricaordo: mission statement, how to set up a local event guide, guide to use of the forum
subtitles for the video. Invite the cities from last year for translations
Ricardo will set up a topic: call for translation
Silvia: let’s ask people on the forum what they need to have translated
Before tanslation: everyone read the mission statement again: any changes needed? Let’s have a final look over it.
Silvia: take our time, dont change it too often, lets allow ideas to sink in
Other problem:
complexity in the jargon we use
collect terms to explain and explanations we already have, make them easily accessible on the website
Ricardo suggests to have a look at: platformdesigntoolkit.com/platform-design-whitepaper/ =whitepaper about the organisation, everybody: agree
explain the structure, main lingo in different languages
lets try to use titles that are more self-explanatory, consult outsiders
good example: transition design
distribute workload: ask the people on the forum, no more spoonfeeding
Maike: lets ask people who have been active directly: can you do the job
Lars: workload comes from the projects we want to do
signing up and maintenance doesn’t take much time any more, forum works, cities are signing up and then can be independent
3.3 Global event 8 - 12 June 2017 - update
14 events signed up, some more in the making. working well
next newsletter in the making, announce next docu days soon
agree to test a core part of the osce
Berlin event will not be the same weekend, shifted June 29 -July 2, Agora (the organizers) decided to shift it
Vancouver is not at the main dates
makes it more clear that oscedays can happen at any time anywhere
Maike: we need to make sure that essential information is documented on the forum (e.g. shift in dates needs to be communicated to all local organizers. Otherwise Maike (Berlin) might spread the wrong date about the Agora (Berlin) OSCEevent)
3.3.1 Resources needed: update from Lars and Jose
currently all we we need is more advertisement for the signing up of cities and the docu days
3.3.2 Universities contacted and engaged in June events
not talked about
3._4 Strategic Framework review _
Ricardo: is good to review the document after two years
finish this document now, have a shared view, shared model for the future of oscedays
Ricardo explained the canvass he drafted for the topic, let’s evolve it during the Berlin event, e.g. with a 3d printer, then iterate it in a different set-up. e.g. sunzilla (assemble a solar panel)= give people an immersive experience of what is already possible today.
We will have a vision meeting in april: 5-year future plan: where do we want to be. have a call for that, not during usual bost-call.
Ricardos document is an iteration from talks to different people
April 17. is a holiday, so we move the call to Tuesday, see next BoSt call announcement