[BoST Call, December 3, 7 pm GMT] - 2018 - General Call #11

Open Conference Call of the OSCEdays Board Of Stewardship
Minimum quorum: 3
Duration: 90 minutes

Please confirm your participation @BoST


1 Introduction Round

How is everybody?
Are there new people? Let’s have a quick introduction round.

2 Guest Michael Boyle
@frugalacademy, our colleague from Vienna, will introduce himself and we’ll answer his questions as he prepares for a mini OSCEdays event in January

3 Update on association
Work on internal documents here

4 Agenda for next call January 7
It’s 2019 already?! Yes, it is, so Happy New Year everybody, let’s make it an even better one for OSCEdays community, our loved ones and the whole world. Remember, we are running out of time to prevent humanity from breaking the point of no return, so let’s work faster and more determined than ever. Thank you, my friends.

Note for Silvia: See BoST call Nov 5 for Open Action list



R: I’ve been with OSCE since 2014. I’m Uni researcher from Colombia. This year, developing water hackathon crisis taken from GIen’s work in Cape Town
Q: I live and work in Berlin and joined OSCE days last year. I’ve been working on developing the legal organization for OSCEDays.
G: I live in Cspe Town and hosted events in Cape Town and Joburg for a number of years I am cofounder of Stop Reset Go organizing Tipping POint Festival in late 2019.
S: Indiana. Been here since beginning. I’m engineer by trade and consult on sustainability and circular economy.
M: Involved in circular economy elements for many years - frugal economy. Also spent years in IT sector supporting OS software. Open H/W for circular economy. I curated a competition in Vienna - Open Minds - looked at components to open source. Whilst researching I stumbled onto OSCEDays. I’m located in Vienna, Austria. In academia, I teach at U of Applied Sciences - one course is business management in supply chain management. Different supply chain models.My speciality is on the business side. I’m holding event in mid jan 2019 - workshop with diverse groups for different biz models for osce. Great opp to involve many people who would necessarily come.

I’m keen to know what your experiences have been on exercises to canvas or similar. Tips for including and feedback.

S: Let’s make sure we all promote in all channels.Bring Seigo into conversation and itnroduce to Michael

G: TIpping Point Festival

M: We have huge potential if we come togetehr. I’m a local organizer of the Circluar Economy Club. We could leverage. So let’s help each other.Can introduce to them any of

G: Dissolved CIrcuit board idea

S: This is core biz model of today. Fast displacement of products. Take.Make.Waste cycle. It’s difficult.

M: I agree. Lot of our problems start there. GDP is irrelevant. We need to come up with new models. Those responsible must be responsible for recovery. Subscription model is better.The manufacturer is responsible. If we expect end user to drives this, we are wrong.

S: Since I’m engineer, I remind first 2 laws of thermodynamics and always take chance to bad month the economist, who are usually talking nonsense and highlight those who understand.

For your event, if you can post a summary, outcomes, pictures, so others can pick it up. Also recommend: take existing biz model and work on it hands on.

M: We are using IKEA as model. Went through with students, working on report to moving towards a circular economy. We need to bring tangible examples.

Q: I can introduce OSCEdays in Berlin. We have every year in June. We allow everyone to meet. We don’t push anyone out. Everyone has something to contribute. Even political come to us. THere’s no such term as circular economy in Germany. The govt had a big thing - they used CE. You can use our OSCEdays platform. I saw people come again and again to the event.

After 3 years, beginners came and developed a biz model. Documentation is important. Then they can share that knowledge.

M: COuldn’t agree more. Website was source of inspiration. Documentation is very important. In Aug, I want to make it more of a workshop. We need to get diverse groups involved. We avoid group think and biases. I want to use as a means to tell participants we are doing something here…a call to action to encourage participation in our event in Jan to participate in Berlin in June.

Q: We want to find people in different cities. If you are also interested in an event, you can host one too.We try to turn idea into reality. LIke the Water Crisis in Cape Town.

M: I agree with everything you are saying. For me, it’s about getting people to feel empowered. They don’t realize they can do it themselves. The real beauty is to build it yourself. The group is also key…common vision.

R: Important to create continuity. I don’t know how we can work together. In first year we work with other cities in Italy to create activities that they can develop alone. But we also give to other cities. It’s important to not lose all the work we develop in one year. We are also working with South Africa and other parts. Document all your information. If the documentation doesn’t take to other activities, it’s difficult to transfer and develop the continuity and wealth.

M: Question: Is there a common repository created so far? OSCEDays or individual events?

R: Silvia can help. For past year, we are trying to create repository of all activities. If a city doesn’t create documentation, it’s hard to find. If you do a little research on OSCEdays website, you can find.

S: We use to have a special server for files, but didn’t have enough support to maintain it. We ask them to upload on their event page and tag it. Best place to search is in the category list or search by tags. We are just a bit busy but hopefully we’ll get to the library next year.

M: I’d be keen to see how I can support from my side. I know lots of S/W developers so I can talk to them to support us.

S: Perfect. I posted a link to video clip Ricardo has put together for OSCEdays.

M: AT award ceremony, main prize was won by an organization that is building an OS recyclable house. CC license is a big issue. It’s very difficult for H/W. I like the canvas because we can create new models that could not be built otherwise.

S: We need to retool. Mainstream biz don’t understand. How do we lose IP and still make money? We try to develop alternative paradigm but we must show a feasible biz model.

M: Precisely. We produce enough for everyone, but poorly distribute.

S: It would be great to get back local Vienna organizer.

G: Biz model is why people don’t come back.

M: Generally, one off events create a buzz, then it goes away. I’m trying to keep some kind of regular event going. THe commons, the public good. Get a couple of other local champions to sustain it.

G: I’ve been championing year round work and migrating away from 1 week june event only because it’s not sustainable. June event is a showcase. Until now, volunteers cannot continue. This should change. This is what we are planning for. We have to find local champions. Your project is interesting because you have ongoing event. We can find a way to support each other.

S: Use any language convenient for you.

M: I will use 2 languages at the event. How about this idea? Hardcore individuals - a buddy or mentor system? Remind them they are not alone. PRovide motivation…hit the tipping point. This is really where we need to put the focus.

G: What about a regular meetup for every city?

M: That’s what I’m doing. Did one connected to DIF. We tried to link Vienna with London. We can skype Cape Town in to this.

G: We don’t do enough globally.

M: We can create channels with other cities for our event.

G: What about all of us participating with Michael’s event?
S: Sure, let’s do it. We inivited a lot of people to be mentors in past event. You’ll find content there on the forum.

M: I’ll post on website for Jan 16 event. Technical capacity - we can broadcast everyone on a giant screen. Try a dry run.

Q: This will be interesting. We had this at beginning of OSCEdays Shenzen was intrerested.

G: We can develop Circular PCB system with Shenzen.

M: If Gien can present to our group in VIenna on Jan 16 and we can then see if we can contact Shenzen

G: Two ideas to leave you with:

  1. I’m building open source ecohome so projects will be regular on OSCEDays
  2. Gorilla marketing to dump packaging back on supermarket stores
  3. create complete reusable packaging for supermarkets

G: Michael can help with biz model
M: Reverse logistics. This would be perfect.


I love these notes! I love the style and how they captured the spirit!!!

I just try to type like hell! People don’t realize how bloody fast they speak! :smiley:


When you commented, it reminded I was going to introduce you to Seigo. I just sent you email introduction.

thanks a lot for the notes, sorry I couldn’t join (again)