[BoST Call August 14, 7 pm GMT] - 2017 - General Call #22

Open Conference Call of the OSCEdays Board Of Stewardship

Please confirm your participation @BoST



1 Introduction Round

How is everybody?
Are there new people? Let’s have a quick introduction round.


@Lars2i will contact Joe to get clarification on what the requirements are cc Seigo and Sharon

Waiting for Joe’s response to Seigo’s follow-up

@Silvia is going to draft the European Commons Assembly supporting statement. All input.

Done, ready to submit.

@sharmarval will finalise (with Seigo?) the wording for the Mission and Vision statement and post it in the Word doc. Will also start the forum post to discuss the global/local points raised regarding the vision/mission.
All: review the proposed organisation statutes and the previous conversations about setting up an association that are in the forum before the strategy workshop on September the 8th
All read the workflow thread written by Lars and contribute.
All: think about whether or not there is an opportunity to build a creative language to substitute 'vision, mission' etc.
All please vote on the Doodle road-mapping activity with @Jaime
@seigorobinson will draft a first process for the strategy workshop

Please update the Action list above.

2 Strategic Framework continued

2.1 Update on Strategy workshop - Seigo
2.2 Vote for the OSCE Roadmapping Workshop - is it scheduled?

3 Global Projects

3.1 Review the current list on Google drive
3.2 What is a project sponsor? The BoST member who ensures the project fits our purpose and principles, helps in finding a team, keeps the project on-track, negotiates resources and priority with other projects. Is responsible for the project’s success.

4 Others - please add

On the call: Qing, Gien, Seigo and Silvia

Qing is looking for funding to be available once we have a formal organization
Gien is working on the eater hackathon, he just met a Cape Town city official who might help with the event organizing and funding
Silvia is preparing for several workshops on the circular economy scheduled for Sep/Oct
Seigo is working on a project with a carpet tile manufacturer focusing on reuse/recycle

DIF - wait until end of August for a response from Jor before follow-up
European Commons Assembly - comments open until 21 Aug. After that, @sharmarval @Silvia will submit OSCEdays’ signature to their call

Strategic Framework
Seigo is working on the agenda for the workshop, he will post soon a presentation in support of the discussion scheduled for Sep 8 at 7 GMT
Silvia will open a separate topic for the workshop under BoST
We emphasized that it is important for us to build on the past work, to show respect for the effort made by colleagues who are not active now and to ensure continuity of purpose, while keeping our thoughts/statements/language clear, simple and grassroots

Roadmapping workshop with Jaime: vote is closed, the date is Aug 24.

Global Projects
Gien reminded us about the need to expand our global reach and leverage our platform better in working with others every day. He wants us to adopt the cosmo-localization concept and work towards implementing it. He is interested in agro-forestry projects, among others, especially for places where a natural disaster requires complete reconstruction. Example: Greensburg, Kansas https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/greenhouse/2013/04/13/greensburg-kansas/2078901/

Silvia wants to work on the Guide to OSCE book. Waiting for Frans to respond if he wants to lead the project, before posting it under Activities and start working on it. Check updates on Google drive.
Seigo mentioned as an opportunity for collaboration organizations that work with social and economic integration after prison.

For a list of open actions, see next call’s agenda.

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