[CHALLENGE] How to Make Coffee-Cup-To-Go Circular?

###How To Make Coffee-Cups-To-Go Circular?

Challenge at OSCEdays Berlin 2016 - but also globally

“More than 450.000 cup-to-go’s are sold in Berlin - every single day. How can we change this to a re-use system, either as new service design/reverse-logistics innovations, product innovations, or business model innovations?”

In an intense half-day workshop, we will take this challenge through all phases of a Design Thinking process. After gaining an understanding of the people in context, we will head right into prototyping ideas and take these into the field to gather feedback.

Join this challenge and post your upfront questions here.

In New York they had a “Sustainable Cup Challenge” some years ago.

Here is their video (Skip to minute 1:30 for the solution)

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admin note: I transferred the topic from the “Berlin” category to the “Packaging” category where all challenges and questions are. Let me know, if this is not in your interest.

For your research, check out what Reduce.Reuse.Grow has done, seed embedded coffee cups–might spark some innovation during your event: http://www.planttrash.com/
(btw they a startup in San Luis Obispo, California; same town as OSCE Days sponsor iFixIt–& side note, fyi @Lars2i I’m working on seeing if someone in San Luis Obispo would like to participate in OSCE :wink: )

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For those of you fluent in German and eager to prepare for the challenge, check out these great Facts and FAQs about Coffe-to-go cups from the Deutsche Umwelthilfe:

150911_Fragen_und_Antworten_an_Thomas_Weber_Monopol_Coffee_to_go_Becher.pdf (234.1 KB)

150914_Frequently_Asked_Questions_Coffee_to_go_Becher_TF_FINAL.pdf (250.2 KB)

150901_Coffee_to_go_Fact_Sheet_Umweltauswirkungen_FINAL.pdf (1.2 MB)

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Is there any kind of documentation / summary of this (and other) Challenge?
I would be interested!

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These challenges are very similar perhaps there is knowledge to share: [CHALLENGE] Breaking down barriers to eliminate single-use, disposable products