[BoST Call June 19, 7 pm GMT] - 2017 - General Call #18


Open Conference Call of the OSCEdays Board Of Stewardship

Please confirm your participation @BoST


1 Introduction Round

How is everybody?
Are there new people? Let’s have a quick introduction round.

2 Strategic Framework

Please add all your thoughts to the draft document.

3 Workflow Diagnostics

I (Sharon) chatted to Jaime the other day. He’s been developing a tool to help get OSCE projects off the ground. We chatted about testing this Beta tool with a small group of the OSCE BoST. I think it’s a good idea but let’s discuss it together.

I will try to join the call tonight but I’m not at home so it depends on internet access.


I have another offline meeting that I could not skip. I am not 100 % sure if I will be on time or available.

I am also a bit behind on updating the strategic framework document. I have a bunch of ideas and personal insights I want to share but I am not sure if I can manage to add them to the doc before tonight. Sorry, crazy weeks.

But briefly. I would suggest that we focus on “infrastructure projects” = projects that enable others to do OS+CE stuff - distributed and decentralized. What is ‘the money’ of OSCE? How do we communicate and collaborate in it? Lets go for ‘the medium’ not for the content.

I am almost done to look at all topics we created in the past about future projects and see which projects count as infrastructure (topics: one | two | three | four + mission statement and strategic framework document).

My suggestion would be to look at these projects and see, if there is a 5 year vision in them for us that is inspiring.


From my current OSCEdays-Slidedeck

So why not when we do (2) to (1) at the same time. When it - at least in theory - is easier that way.


Hi guys, as feared I can’t join tonight :frowning:

But I have a bunch of ideas regarding our strategic 5 year plan framework. I will share them in the coming 4 weeks here with you. But I am curious about the stuff you come up with.

No call today, nobody was available. We’ll talk next time, July 3 and on the forum.